r/bodyweightfitness, it has taken me quite a while to put together this infographic. I hope you find it useful!

@bonnieb It's fine if they're loaded too. I think the old knees-past-toes warning is mainly a heuristic to try and get people to use something closer to proper squat form without actually teaching them the various elements of proper form. Trying doing a squat with your weight over the front half of your foot and your knees jut forwards; focusing on keeping the knees back is a lazy way of getting people to keep the weight on their heels. I'm sure how it affects your back also plays a role.
@prayerspirit375 It is not for me to say, but obviously I am partial to my routine.
The document you link to is basically the same than the routine described in the FAQ on here... There's nothing wrong with it other than that some people find it confusing. It also includes more information such as dynamic stretches, etc, which I haven't included in my infographic (but you can find this info on my site). One of the major differences -in my view- is that I have tried to make my progressions as gradual as possible (I talk a bit about the concept of micro-increments on my site) whereas the FAQ routine has much bigger steps between each exercise.
@bonnieb It's confusing as hell. But what I liked about the like I provided, is that the routines had video's. Making a start soo much more easier for me.

I haven't visited your site properly, but if you have video's of each progression, maybe you can make an unbeatable combination of image and 'click - see video'. That would be awesome.

Thanks for the reply!
@bonnieb When it says only add 1 rep per session, does that mean for example go from 3 x 5 to 3 x 6, or from 3 x 5 to 2 x 5 plus 1 x 6? Literally 1 rep, or 1 rep across your sets. Sorry if it sounds stupid.
@bonnieb I'm just getting into the idea of getting fit - I have a bit of body fat I wanted to lose before I gain muscle but I'm wondering what sort of calorie intake I should be aiming for with a routine like this. I really want to avoid putting on the fat I'm trying to lose right now.
@bonnieb While this thread is full of people saying this has made the difference for them...

This has made the difference for me.

Thank you for the time spent, the clear directions and the (still early yet noticable) results!
@bonnieb So let's say I can do this whole routine at the highest progression level.

What next? Just keep doing this or is there a more advanced program I should be doing?