r/bodyweightfitness, it has taken me quite a while to put together this infographic. I hope you find it useful!

@aywo I will be honest, I hadn't seen that.

But I normally check from work/phone, and I can't open it at work, and on my phone when I click on the actual exercises it goes nowhere.

I am not trying to knock it or anything, if anbody is serious they can easily find the info just saying it is nice to have a handy infographic with a lot of the exercises.
@yuliza Hi, I'm the creator of fitloop. Sorry you didn't have a good experience with the website.

Clicking on the exercises opens the youtube page for the video on a smartphone. I've tested it on iPhone and Android, but I don't have other types of smartphones to test on. Which one are you using?

Also, the website requires access to youtube and javascript to run, and a browser which isn't outdated, could one of these factors be blocking you from viewing it at work?

Please try it out at home and let me know if it doesn't work.
@pseudonym88 To be clear, I am not saying I didn't have a good experience. I think it is pretty sweet.

I just played with it on my phone at home when on wi-fi and it opened up you tube, don't know why I have the delay off wi-fi, I probably just wasn't patient enough.

At work they block anything they can detect video links from so that would explain that.

Like i said, I like the website, just that an overall infographic with for a quick visual guide to the exercises is useful, imho. Also (and once again I like the site) you may want to add shrimp squats.
@bonnieb Thanks for doing this, I'm going to send it to a friend! Only issue, it's pretty small, could you upload one in a bigger size so we can read the small print / print it out ?
@dawn16 I have been toying with the idea, but I don't have the skills to code it myself, and it costs a bunch to have one developped! I may try a kickstarter campain though.
@bonnieb PM me and I wouldn't mind doing it for free. Both iOS and Android. PM me what you're wanting and we'll talk.

Edit: Actually, nevermind. I don't have a mac to program on anymore :(

Edit2: However, I could do the Android. Just depends on what you want.
@bonnieb I can code, droid at least. no iOS YUCK!
I'm working on a project at the moment though so if you shoot me a PM with some ideas I may start on it after this current one.
@dawn16 A few people have commented saying they could make an app.

I don't have much mobile app experience, but it's something I've been wanting to learn. If this turns in to a community project I would love to try to contribute in whatever ways I can. Most of my development experience is in C# aside from doing the Android "Hello World" tutorial once upon a time.

Please let me know if this takes off and I can be involved in any way.