Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

@maria28 Guys this is not binary. Its not that you won't get any gains if you don't do this. Its how to build muscle AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. This is about eeking out every single damn gain, and maximizing efficiency. Its not a if you don't do all this you won't grow. There is a lot of in between.
@maria28 People in here really want him to be wrong about the 6 day training because they personally cannot (or straight up just don’t want to) train 6 days a week.

He’s discussing optimal growth in the shortest span; not the only way to grow or what’s convenient from a lifestyle perspective.
@maria28 I did this almost to the "T". It ground me into a powder. The deloads left me weaker or the same strength each meso, then developed sciatica from the hip hinge work.

It can be optimal but maybe I wasn't using RIR correctly week to week. If you train this much, it would need to be intelligently programmed.
@tsnkongho My comment is 7 months late but I hope it's useful to someone who finds this thread in an attempt to optimise their routine, like me. I used to work out 6 times a week at maximal efficiency, made good gains but I started getting stupid amounts or repetitive motion injury, starting with my elbows, then wrists, then knees. Deloads didn't do much and left me weaker.

I got sick and tired of working out, took 2 months off and started running PPL but on a very loose schedule, ie I would take random one day gaps in between any of the P P L, sometimes 2 or 3 day gaps after each PPL. My progress since then has skyrocketed, I have more energy day to day and my body doesn't feel abused. For reference it's not like I'm a 30 year old dude with children to take care of and 9-5, I'm a 20 year old student with infinite free time. Just reducing the gym and being liberal with days off has allowed my body to recover and get stronger much better.
@dawn16 Yes! Thank you for your reply! This is the life I have lived for months now, PPLoffrepeat, gains have kept coming, take an extra off day whenever needed. When completely beaten down after months of failure training, 3-4 days completely off and everything is healed, including the will to train.
@sugarcookies Mike is one of the biggest proponents of more frequent and spaced out meals, especially regarding protein intake. I never eat more than 3 times a day and my gains are fine, but I do wonder if that’s a marginal thing that could make it better.
@maria28 Personally, the hardest parts are eating well and sleeping. Training has a positive psychological impact so I’m really motivated to keep going, but then I get home and I’m not hungry, I force myself to eat some chicken only to gag and want to throw up and then struggle to fall asleep for hours at night. On long term this impacts not only muscle recovery, but most importantly joints and tendons. I hate tendonitis with a burning passion haha. Put on around 13kg of beginner gains this year, trying to put on another 10 and then probably gonna try cutting. You guys got any tips nutrition wise?
@maria28 I do 5 days a week and generally enjoy 3 sets per lift but everything else is spot on. Your workload will always determine your growth. Up your work capacity and watch your body stack meat on to tru and keep up.
@maria28 Great, now tell us how to do it more efficiently.

Using the 80/20 rule or the Pareto principle, which 20% of this gives 80% of results?

In my opinion, training closer to failure can reduce the volume/frequency. And deloads can be rest days. Losing 10% of gains but spending half of the time will be worth it for many people.