Speed rope recs (Europe). Rpm or other?


New member
My old rpm speed rope fell apart today after serving for 8 years. I started looking for a new rope. I’d like to have another rpm rope but their shipping is a bit much to where I live (both time and moneywise).

So: does anyone a) know if there is a store that sells rpm ropes with a reasonable EU delivery or b) can recommend another brand that has very fast, light, durable ropes?
@bonnielee Thanks for the tips! Affenhand indeed seems to ship to where I live and the shipping cost is way less than from the US. (Weightlifting-shop too, but their price + shipping is about the same as directly from rpm.)
@goodonya Holy moly! I thought being willing to pay around $100 for an rmp was already a bit much :D (my old rpm was a bargain, under $50, they had some special discount at an event).
@bloodinthewater I purchased the G2 about a month ago after using RPM and cheap $10 ropes for many years. It is hands down the best rope I’ve ever used. If you can bear the cost I’d say it’s worth it. Otherwise RPM will do just fine.

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