The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

The most comprehensive front lever tutorial. I remember my first post ever on this subreddit actually being a front lever tutorial that I made 9 years ago. After 9 years I've decided to revisit that ol' tutorial and come up with something that covers it all!

A little background on who I am. I'm Yaad, I've been doing calisthenics for over 12 years. I've managed to do a 50 second front lever, which is really close to the world record! I'm extremely passionate about calisthenics and have even studied medicine to further develop my understanding of how the body works and how to treat injuries when it comes to calisthenics. I'm currently a medical doctor practicing internal medicine and cardiology as a resident. The goal is to eventually specialize in sports medicine!

In this video I'll go through several topics:

- What is the front lever? (going through the form requirements)

- What is strength? (explaining what strength, and apply that information to calisthenics)

- How to build muscle (explaining what muscles are used in the front lever and how to best train hypertrophy)

- How to do skill work (one of the most important things when it comes to any calisthenics movement)

- The program (a guide for the free program that I've included in this video)

If you guys have any questions regarding the program, please go ahead and ask. I will do my best to answer them!

Link to the video:

Link to the program sheets:!46351&authkey=!AFrxE7ldQ-HhGfA&e=fdCifg
@lovinggodlovingpeople Dude this is so good. Youre a good person. You could charge 90$ for the program and yet you decide to do it for free.

I will try to honor this by succeeding at the front lever. I will follow the program, starting tomorrow that is, by fate, my pull day (its not that fateful, its Tuesday, it was 50/50 with the push day).