The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

The most comprehensive front lever tutorial. I remember my first post ever on this subreddit actually being a front lever tutorial that I made 9 years ago. After 9 years I've decided to revisit that ol' tutorial and come up with something that covers it all!

A little background on who I am. I'm Yaad, I've been doing calisthenics for over 12 years. I've managed to do a 50 second front lever, which is really close to the world record! I'm extremely passionate about calisthenics and have even studied medicine to further develop my understanding of how the body works and how to treat injuries when it comes to calisthenics. I'm currently a medical doctor practicing internal medicine and cardiology as a resident. The goal is to eventually specialize in sports medicine!

In this video I'll go through several topics:

- What is the front lever? (going through the form requirements)

- What is strength? (explaining what strength, and apply that information to calisthenics)

- How to build muscle (explaining what muscles are used in the front lever and how to best train hypertrophy)

- How to do skill work (one of the most important things when it comes to any calisthenics movement)

- The program (a guide for the free program that I've included in this video)

If you guys have any questions regarding the program, please go ahead and ask. I will do my best to answer them!

Link to the video:

Link to the program sheets:!46351&authkey=!AFrxE7ldQ-HhGfA&e=fdCifg
@lovinggodlovingpeople Dude this is so good. Youre a good person. You could charge 90$ for the program and yet you decide to do it for free.

I will try to honor this by succeeding at the front lever. I will follow the program, starting tomorrow that is, by fate, my pull day (its not that fateful, its Tuesday, it was 50/50 with the push day).
@lovinggodlovingpeople on new perspective alone, this will significantly improve my FL training, but on top of that it has slick editing, smooth pace & cadence of delivery all in a very digestible package.

one minor point of contention: even though the importance of deloads is completely true, just saying 'trust me' makes it sound like typical bro-ism and detracts from your more solid position earned from dedicating years to medical science.

I do trust you though (=

P.S. you're working on a VR game too ? he must be stopped, no one man is allowed to be so badass...
@lovinggodlovingpeople This is awesome, thanks for putting it together! My main goals at the moment are HSPU and Front Lever, so I'm curious how you would combine the two? Does it matter if the HSPU has skill/hypertrophy cycles that align with FL training, and if so what would qualify as skill work for HSPU?

I'm currently doing upper/lower with 2x upper workouts a week so I'm not sure if I'll immediately make the jump to 4x/week, but I can see how increased frequency would be helpful
@kenna9765 Thanks man! I would definitely align the cycles with each other to prevent fatigue affecting one of the skill cycles.

On my channel there is a HSPU tutorial, it’s a bit outdated, but the exercise selection for skill is very up to date!
@lovinggodlovingpeople Hi Yaad, sorry to hijack the thread but I did so because I have the same goals (HSPU and FL). I’m still working on a 10s freestanding handstand (a requirement you mentioned in your HSPU tutorial years ago), so how would you incorporate pushing work into the FL program? I’m thinking HS work, Pull (FL) work, followed by Push work.

Also a small question I have is for the hypertrophy workouts: having just 2 sets of 8-12 reps, is there enough volume? or do u advise adding weight instead of sets/reps
@lovinggodlovingpeople I clicked on the video and within the first few seconds I was like "Hey, isn't this the dude whose video taught me to do my first handstand pushup all those years ago?" And it is you! So happy to see you post man. And thank you for creating such high-quality content!