Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

@paulclays I'm that size and as a short woman I absolutely need to lose weight. I'm in obese BMI category and have joint issues and potential liver and blood sugar problems.
@66bookssss She’s probably being cautious due to your eating disorder! Im picking up that you felt invalidated by her, which is totally wrong of her to do! But realize if you are at a healthy weight for your height she can’t technically advise you to lose weight but she could have explored those feelings you have about yourself a little better! Plus it has become a bit of a taboo to tell people they are overweight as a healthcare professional so keep that in mind that they could get bad reviews if they tell someone that they could lose a few ;) you do you but make sure you don’t restrict too much and under the guise of a professional as your history of Ed!
@66bookssss No that’s how you interpreted it. Keep working with her . Tell her how you feel so she can tell you straight up where you’re adding your own narrative and taking things out of context .
@66bookssss No one has to be overweight to lose weight .

What she’s saying is your emotional tolerance around this is exaggerated and she gave you some advice to try to stabilize and ground your mind set around this.
@66bookssss If you want a new therapist that would say things you want them to say. Get a new therapist. If you don't think you have body image issues then you don't need to discuss that with a therapist.

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