This is my one transformation after starting lifting

@claireanneh I am so glad I read this today. I've been feeling discouraged this week, feeling very bloated and tired and like all my hard work is going nowhere. You've reminded me that I have to keep at it to see results. Congrats on having your hard work pay off! And thank you for the encouragement.
@claireanneh I just want to thank you for your post, you look fantastic. I'm 3 months into lifting and I have been hating on myself and wanting to go back to cardio bunny mode. I feel very smushy and I've gained 8 pounds which makes it a little scary. I've been sitting on my ass for almost 30 years so yeah it's going to take awhile to look good!
@claireanneh At someone who is 5'4 and started around the same weight/stature - I have to say, You're pretty freaking amazing! Congrats on your progress, and sorry for the loss of your brother.
@claireanneh Woah. You look amazing! I'm so sorry that your loss had to jump-start things, but congratulations on your progress.

Thanks for Edit3. I'm definitely at the "bloated" phase. I know I'm eating right, I know I've been working out to exhaustion every week, but I still feel bloated and gross. Just gotta push through!
@spirituallyblessed You can do it, just stop thinking negatively. I know thats a crapshoot for some. I am not sure if everyone goes through the phase but I knew I couldnt be the only person. You have attainable end results its just the process getting there.
@claireanneh About your edit 3: THIS. You have put something into words that seems to always be experienced, but not specifically called out. Thank you. On behalf of anyone who has ever gone through it, those who are right now, and those who will.

You rock. You look amazing, and I love that you know what an amazing transformation this is. GREAT WORK! You will inspire many :)
@audrajaxon Thank you so much! And you know, as soon as I started leaning out is when going became a habit. It really did take that three month mark to really push through and then it all just started coming together. It was super frustrating and one day it just clicked. But also, giving up for me is not an option.
@claireanneh Thanks for posting all this, very inspiring. You look great!
I lost my sister 4 months ago to lung cancer. She was diagnosed about 8 months before she died so we had some warning but overall it was still pretty sudden and I am still pretty shaken up. I was getting really strong and working out a ton before she started getting really sick (last October) Now I am just not getting back to bench/DL/Squats with the bar. It's amazing how quickly you can loose that strength and gain back bodyfat! Time to reactivate my fitocracy account I think.
I totally feel you about valuing your own health and life in the light of death. The impact each of us have on others is like an intricate web, everyone depends on one another to keep their social webs together even though maybe we don't see it or talk about it on a daily basis. It is important to stay healthy and fit and live well for everyone around you, not just for yourself. keep it up!
@b_james Loss hurts. It hurts everyone in such a different manner. I am so so so sorry to hear about your sister, especially since it is still so fresh. Nothing will prepare you for it and then everyone around you moves along. To me, Andrew doesnt get a second chance. He doesn't get to go to the doctor and get a lecture. He didn't even have a chance for a bypass.

I get a second chance, this is for me, Andrew, and hopefully my future family. I don't have an option to quit, to give up, or not push myself on a daily basis. I'm not She-Ra, but at least I can aim for it.

I hope you get back to the weight room soon, it says it misses you :)
@claireanneh Your fitocracy logs are a bit confusing...did you workout 4-5 days in a row? Was it a upper/lower body split routine? Do you follow any particular guidelines as to what workouts you did and when? haha sorry for all the questions, I've been looking into high rep workouts and some of yours are crazy insane! Great job!
@harry37 I log them as I do them. So sometimes I may run at night after having an upper body day on my lunch break. Or instead of run, I'll go to yoga. Honestly, I do the reps I can. If I feel like I can do one more, that means I can do two more. I go to failure then take off weight, and try for failure again.

I just said 'try for failure' ha!
@claireanneh Hah! Thanks for the encouragement!

I've been frustrated, I haven't lost weight since I started SS, I get smaller and apparently denser, but the number stays about the same.