Ugh. Didn’t complete the scaled version and feel like a failure

@ilovejesus56129 I got 176!!! Missed by 4 burpees! Also scaled it. To be fair at the time I didn’t care, but now that I don’t feel sick and can breathe I wish I’d got those last 4! Not retrying though 😂 🤢
@ilovejesus56129 I did 153 scaled and I'm super happy with that! If you'd told me 10 years ago I'd be able to do that I would have laughed my ass off. From a sitting position. Just accept this is where you're at right now and celebrate what you've achieved.
@ilovejesus56129 It is so frustrating. Been there many times. you did the absolute best workout that you could, tho. Unless you stopped mid workout to check your phone, you are by no means a failure
@ilovejesus56129 I was eligible for the masters 55+ division for the first time this year which is equivalent of the scaled version. I love it because scaled is always a better workout for most normal folks.
@ilovejesus56129 This entire thread is making me feel better. My score was 129 and the tie breaker time 9:27. I started CrossFit again just 3 months ago, extremely out of shape. I’m reaching the point I want to do more, faster and better but my body is limiting me still at my weight. I was considering redoing the workout today but I’m too sore today. Rather than getting hung up on this year I’m making it a goal that by next year I’ll be able to complete the workouts. You’re all doing amazing! Love this community so much.
@ilovejesus56129 129 scaled reps here. It was brutal, but not bad since I have only been back at CrossFit for a week after an unwanted 3 month hiatus.

It's about showing up and doing the workout. Don't sweat it. Come back next year and do better.
@ilovejesus56129 I felt that way too! (142 reps, scaled) I did everything I could and never, ever do burpee jumps over anything so that was a huge victory. You did great by getting as far as you did and showing up for something HARD.