Update: 3.5 years of BWF (38/M)

@rkenoke Bro. That is an enviable physique. I’m relatively fit… rock climb, a little skateboard/snowboarding and surfing. But I want to LOOK more fit as well. Mind if I PM you?
@rkenoke I hope you’re still responding here. First of all, awesome job, super inspiring!

Got some questions. What is “explosive pull-up”? Are your pull-ups weighted? Do you do 3 sets of them to failure?

How much weights for your close grip banded incline bench? Also 3 sets?
@deann0408 Explosive pull-up aka high pull-up waist to bar and slow on the eccentric. Get as high as you can and then slow on the way down especially at the bottom.

Banded incline is a 65 on each side of the smith press at a 30 degree incline (lowest incline setting) although I’ve swapped that for a seated cable press with a band around my wrists bc of my shoulder impingement
I love dips but my shoulder pain doesn’t allow me to do them anymore so I’ve had to switch to this close grip bench modification. Hopefully I’ll be back to weighted dips soon
@rkenoke Wow, I'd never heard of that term before. Is it the same thing as a "muscle up"? I'm not sure I actually have enough head space for that, I work out in the garage, and it's got a pretty low ceiling, damn. I've been doing weighted chin-ups instead, but was thinking of switching it up cause damn your transformation is insane.

I can't do dips either, so that's why I was asking about banded incline. I'll probably stick to weighted push ups for now, but I may need to look into this a bit more.

How many reps do you do for your explosive pullups? And how many reps do you shoot for before you increase weight for any of your weighted exercises?
@robenia Rep range 4-8. Once I hit 8 it’s onto the progression or increase the weight or slow the eccentric further.

Different than the muscle since there’s no transition but I imagine you can still work on getting your hips to bar with limited space. Rings will also give you some more head room. Just start in an L-sit

Weighted chin-ups are great. Weighted pushups are cool too but why not go for a wall handstand pushup to work on your hspu?
@rkenoke I’m gonna have to look up videos on explosive pull ups. If you have a link, please share.

I do pike pushups along with my weighted pushups. My pike pushup is getting close to a wall handstand pushup, but I’m not quite there yet. I have that as my goal for the year. After that, I guess it’s a matter of getting stronger and maintaining balance to progress onto pure handstand pushup without a wall.

Thanks so much for your responses btw. Very inspirational to see your progress. I think I first saw your post at the 18mo mark or 2yr mark. Such amazing progress.
@robenia The explosive push-up is really just a note on the tempo of the concentric. basically pull as hard and as fast as you can with the goal that you’re hips to bar. Then make sure you come down slow and controlled on the eccentric. Don’t want to be banging your joints.