What’s the natural progression from single arm C&J?


New member
What’s your all’s experience with progressing from a single bell to doubles?

I’ve been doing C&Js with a single 24kg bell for a while and am interested in stepping up a notch, but am not sure if it is better to lighten the jerk and drop to double 16s or really overload the legs and go with double 24s?
@han_solo I went straight to double clean and press with 16 kg right after I got comfortable with single clean and press. I guess it depends on your goals and how comfortable cleaning and jerking the 24kg feels to you?

If I was in your position, I'd grab the second 24 kg so you start practicing your double cleans and do double front squats eventually. You can also do things like farmer and racked carries with double 24s to build work capacity.

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