What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

@blindly28 people saying they have already eaten the textured soy protein and found it with an horrible taste, then i ask how they ate it and they say "raw"

then i start to ask myself "do this people eat raw meat? raw chicken?" i don't think so 🤔 so WHY they think i eat my protein RAW???????
@blindly28 XD weird how commonly people say stuff like that.

Oh I got another one, I was asked if i want a pair of shoes which I asked if they were vegan and, I kid you not, she said, “you don’t eat shoes.”
@stillwater I was talking to someone about wanting to work at a vegan salon (I’m a hairdresser) and he told me it didn’t matter because you don’t eat the hair products… like sir😭😭
@blindly28 i recently was told that we shouldn’t eat soy because “if you look back at the history” soy was “made only to feed animals” and it’s “bad” because it’s mass produced. stupidest thing i have ever heard. like i don’t see you avoiding wheat and corn?? this also started because this person said “don’t eat at ______ restaurant, they use fake meat…blah blah don’t eat soy & “those” ingredients in those fake meats.” Not everyone is vegan for their health. For most they’re vegan for the animals & planet too. I hate all the soy lies!
and i responded to him with “Then how do you explain soy consumption in Asia for over 1,000 or so years?” and all he could say back was “look at the history.”
@melesha12 LMAO “look at the history” I’M WEAK. My favorite thing is when people have an anti-vegan argument that crumbles as soon as you ask a simple question.
@melesha12 So much misinformation around soy, it drives me nuts! And so much of it is driven by animal ag propaganda. Soy is actually a very healthy food, great protein content comparable to cow's milk etc.
@melesha12 Everybody thinks soy is so terrible. Personally, I don’t eat much of it because I don’t like how it makes me feel. But I also completely eliminate gluten because it causes me to have stomach issues, and it’s not like I’m going to say everyone needs to go gluten-free because I don’t like how gluten makes me feel. Different things work for different people😭
@blindly28 Either since it's not doing 0% damage to the environment it's not worth doing at all, or since plants are living things too, it's equally as cruel (while they continue to eat animal products).