What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

@ladyestellarose Might be 85% of all agricultural land, which includes massive amounts pasture/forage land. The % of tilled cropland that feeds animals is not so huge, though it's still substantial and the meta point stands.
@jamiem It’s the all or nothing mentality that gets me too. Like… when I went on a walk last night, did I step on an ant by mistake? Probably. BUT AT LEAST I AM NOT PAYING OTHER PEOPLE TO TORTURE AND SLAUGHTER ANIMALS JUST BECAUSE!!

But yeah because I maybe stepped on an ant, that definitely negates any benefits of me being vegan for 6 years🙄
I’ve heard the plant one too. Apparently because a plant is an organic being, I might as well eat a puppy or something. Like bruh😭
@blindly28 That church dude who said since vegan food isn't real if we keep eating it it'll replace our cells with non human cells so we will no longer be human therefore we won't have souls consequently we won't get into heaven.
@blindly28 That non vegans couldn't or wouldn't eat vegan food. I was with a person who was 100% plant based but preferred the term plant based as they didn't like the social awkwardness of vegan, while I said I was vegan. I had no social trouble but she had to deal with 10x the awkwardness as the family refused to believe she didn't need meat every meal... She had to try and re explain and turn down animal bodies about 5 times per meal.
@feztus True, but then the plants are thrown in stomachs full of various dissolving agents, emulsifiers, passed through filters, concentrated... So much processing, I prefer my plants without the chemical vats, suffering, death, and other ultra processing steps.
@buddykisses I mean, I'm not on this sub because I think it's cool to eat animals. Just pointing out that if someone identifies as only eating "plant based" foods, it's actually fairly logical (in a humorous way) for friends and family to be like "cool, here's some cow for ya! She was made of plants!"
@blindly28 That it would cure my diabetes... People love to tell me this not knowing I've been vegan for years. Still not cured. Still not even remotely close to being not diabetic, because that's not how it works, but lol. Tell that to these fucks and they block me because I ruin their lies.
@blindly28 I guess. Personally it's lies like this that actually prevented me from going vegan for years. Being told an incurable illness can be cured with a small change like going vegan is the perfect way to get a disabled person to dismiss you on the spot. It may be a positive lie, but that just makes it worse.
@blindly28 Genuine question, what are some good, bioavailable natural plant sources of B12? Bc I’ve been vegan for 5 years and had basically concluded that it is impossible to get enough B12 without taking supplements, at least for me personally. I track my intake and the only thing I regularly eat that seems to have much of it is nutritional yeast, and there’s only so much nooch a girl can eat so I just accepted years ago that I’d be supplementing it for the rest of my life