What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

@blindly28 One 50 year old guy said “oh you enjoyed eating animals (before 5 years when I was not vegan) now you won’t let your kids eat animals”. Wtf lol. If my parents followed vegan diet and made us follow it, it would have been much easier for me to be a vegan. I struggle every day eating vegan but I try to stay vegan especially being diabetic. It got easier now. I’m not forcing my kids to be vegans. It’s their choice.
@blindly28 Someone I know once referred to a vegan diet as a "highly restrictive regimen" and said that they couldn't do it because it was already so hard to shop/cook for oneself without extra burdens.

I'm a very lazy person and just don't find vegan eating difficult or burdensome. In some ways, it's easier since the dangers of bacteria associated with things like handling raw chicken are just not nearly as much of a concern. Plus, TVP is something I can store bone dry and then just dump water into and microwave. Also, has this person not heard of beans and rice???
@blindly28 Different, but, when I first met my now xhusband, I was vegetarian. Over the yrs I conformed more to his diet, but slowly started hating shopping, prepping, eating, etc. (crying in the grocery store). By then we’d had two kids. When I told him I was going vegan, but they could eat what they were used to, he said “as long as you don’t push your food on them.” What, fucking vegetables? Grains? He then went on a massive carnivore glut, and, AND! yup, pushed it on the kids.
@blindly28 There's something special when you get the classic "where do you get your protein?" but specifically from people who are in much worse shape than you and look like they've never lifted a weight in their life.
@blindly28 another common thing I hear not related to vegan diets but to soy products is the increase in estrogen. This is from people who have bigger man boobs than I do. In fact I used to have man boobs when I was on a Omni diet and now I have none.
@blindly28 Not so much vegan diet but misinformation from farmers. There was a thing doing the rounds on social media saying that a vegan diet wasn't more efficient use of resources than eating meat. My mother repeated this to me without any critical thinking. My response was to think about it and tell me how feeding food to cattle or chickens then eating them could possibly be more efficient than eating what you feed to cattle or chickens?
@blindly28 That it's a torture. Seriously, even if I can convince people that it's not in anyway hindering my progress they still think that I must have a very strong will to endure it.
It's so bullshit. Yeah, meat often tastes good, but so do other things. I don't feel like missing out. The hard part for me is staying off the sugar. Going meat-free was easy af. For me it was literally an instant change (I was eating fish from time to time for the first month when I was learning about vegan protein sources). But reducing sugar... Impossible. When I'm cutting the thing I crave the most is not meat, but chocolate lol.
@blindly28 That it cannot be protein rich or healthy. Truly, you can trace protein back to the sun. The cows eat plants, people eat animals that eat plants. Duh! Protein is extremely easy to eat when you know there's far more than just soy and lettuce.
@blindly28 The one about soy having estrogen that will give a man boobs is probably one of the most persistent stupid ones.

There’s no evidence of plant phytoestrogens have any impact. And they’re saying this in contrast to animal derived foods that actually have animal estrogen in them, even a lot of added estrogen.

I’ve even heard this from a man who had boobs when I do not.
@blindly28 I live with someone who’s all the kinds of bigoted you can imagine and then some so idk where to start but mostly that it’s unhealthy and makes you tired and malnourished and so on, and that He made us omnivores so we eat them for health and food and that’s what they exist for… while claiming to not beleive to be superior to any… I hear that one multiple times a day…
@blindly28 Top candidate from the Dutch 'farmer's party' (BBB) for the EU parlament elections claimed that the digestion of pigs is way more efficient than humans, so the environment impact would increase when moving to a vegetarian diet. This political party is just big agri lobby.
@blindly28 Ok one more....

I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were talking about the annual July 4th hot dog eating contest and how the reigning champion has been banned because he is now sponsored by Impossible hot dogs.

The host goes on to say "I can't think of anything more disgusting and unappetizing than a vegan hot dog"

If he only took a second to think about that.