What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

@justin_holmes I started doing BJJ and I don't know how long after, less then a year I'd gone from being on the higher end of my bmi to the low end. I was getting stronger as well. The time it hit me. Some idiot parked their van right next to the bike rack, meaning I had to lift my bike over my head to get it out and around the car. I decided to try it myself first before I asked the guys. I lifted my bike over my head like it was nothing and I was amazed at myself!

As for recently. I've started taking bouldering more seriously. I just can't find a martial art class that will take me. I've got 20 years experience, black belts and it's hard to find a traditional club that's decent and will allow me to just train with them. So I'm now bouldering twice a week. I struggle badly because I have little to no grip with my left hand (nerve and tissue damage) but I've gone from doing V0s and maybe one or two V1s to topping nearly all the V1s and I've now topped a V2 and a V3 in the last week. I started climbing twice a week at the end of September. I'm so proud of myself! I did a cave climb on Wednesday and because I can now heel hook, I've been able to stick to the ceiling and move a little up there!!! My left hand can't do left dominant climbs, especially underhooks, but I'm still improving. I started a V4 last week and two weeks before got half way through a V5 (the start wasn't easy)!
@anon103 This was it for me too. First the bar started to feel light on squat warmups, but when it started to feel negligible for bench warmups, that was heady stuff.
@justin_holmes being able to do a pull-up! a real full from dead hang all the way up and down pull-up. goddamn. it took me so long to get one, now can do several in a row! never fails to give me a kick
@play311 That's awesome!!

That's one I'm working towards right now. I discovered yesterday that I can do full chin-ups now (woooo!) but the pull-up is still elusive. I'm hoping I'm getting closer, though! Taking any tips :)
@justin_holmes I went to get my usual quarterly massage and had a different masseuse than usual, who said "Are you an athlete? Your quads are kind of tender."

Silly but I was honored lol.
@dawn16 I love these questions.

At my check up a few years ago, my doctor asked if I was an athlete (I am not) since my resting heart rate was very low and I said I "just workout a lot." She did the normal abdominal exam and joint exam and she just kept saying "wow, you really do." And she just kept poking my abs and quads, going "wow".

Best compliments, especially since I was a chunky kid growing up and was reminded of it repeatedly every doctors appointment.