1,000 Pull-ups In 1 Day For Charity

@dawn16 Thank you! All it is, is practice. If you do that, and different variations 3 days a week, you will be surprised at how much they increase!
@holyspirit2014 Thanks! I think the key is finding a rep number that you can do without feeling much fatigue or lactic acid build up. Fresh, I can do 25-30 pullups so 5 was pretty manageable.
@jonrpatrick everybody who is able to do a muscle up today, at some point, couldn't do one.

i can't do one. when i started i could do 3 pullups and struggled at the third. today i do 10 perfect clean pullups and i am working towards the muscle up (with resistance bands!). nothing is impossible!
@ennovy Awesome. I have often wondered about doing it with the requisite balancing using push movements. I will check out the video.

I may do this too if someone in Toronto is raising money for a good cause. I will be tempted to do different kinds of pull ups to keep it interesting.
@dawn16 There was a mix of chin-ups and pull ups. Since most people can't distinguish between the two, I thought it would be confusing calling it "1000 Pullups and Chin-ups for charity". I appreciate you keeping me honest though!

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