16 Months to get a revenge body

@aspatat I love this goal (like many have responded as well). In addition to a lot of good advice, I would add MONTHLY MEASUREMENT of arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves. And take pix! This will help your motivation when you see the incremental changes month to month. Good luck, Boss lady!
@aspatat Start with a higher calorie cut (don’t start with 1200 ). Figure out your calorie intake now and cut down by 100 for the first month while introducing exercise. I lost weight without changing my diet because I was moving more . Following month cut calorie by 200 etc. try group fitness class to keep you motivated. You can probably lose 2lbs a month x 16 = 32lbs total (conservative number). I lost 20lbs in 7 months so far (majority of it lost in the beginning).
@aspatat I ate at my goal weight maintenance and didn’t eat back workout calories (except when my body demanded it) and not only am I at goal, maintenance has been easy. I even had to up my calories because I have more muscle now so burn more on rest days. The key is, don’t do anything to lose you can’t imagine doing regularly for the rest of your life. These people who lift for 2 hours 4-5 times a week or do hours of cardio, is that going to be your life? Come up with something sustainable.
@aspatat Drink 1/2 your weight in water but in OZ. Ex. 180 /2=90 oz try to have salt with your breakfast to retain more water for your body to use.
Find your RDI and minus 500 cals
Then calculate your protein into your diet first.
Try to get at least 100g a day, more if you can fit it into your calories. Eat fruit and veggies and meat. Eat small portions but more through out the day. Ex. Breakfast, 2 hours later a apple, then lunch, 2 hours later a banana, dinner. Finish eating before 630. Also pick foods you like! Don’t eat a veggy because you heard it’s healthy, pick ones you actually enjoy. Same with fruits and meats.

Get good sleep! Sleep hygiene is so important. Start making a good schedule and stick to it even on the weekends.

Find out the time of day you LIKE to work out. I personally love the morning, hate doing any work outs in the afternoon or evening. Find that time you like doing it.

Cardio and strength training. Start off with free weight full body work outs for the first 2 months. then graduate to daily muscle groups with low weight and focus on form ex. Monday:chest Tuesday: legs wed: back Thursday arms, Friday shoulders . Up the weight every couple of weeks by a little. Abs, and more importantly, CORE every day no matter what.
Start taking multivitamin. I take prenatals because of the iron. Chest days help in the beginning but if you like the daily food you eat you’ll eventually prefer not to eat things out side of it.

Don’t mind the plateaus, they happen. Tweak the calories and try a new work out class to confuse your body.

Also track with free apps like fat secret. And put up a daily check list. I’m a list person so this works for me. I love checking boxes, try it. Only weigh in 1 day a week, ex every Friday. You’ll fluctuate too much during the week.
@aspatat I'm 6' @ 200
If you need a envy date, let me know. I'll pick you up and spin you around, laugh at all your jokes and tell you how it's amazing the way you light up my entire existence and how honored I am that you gave me a chance and how supportive you are and make me a better person and that life brings rain but you help me see that rain brings refreshment and opportunity.
I mean let's really ec up his confidence!!!!!

Oh yeah, um, cardio, the stairclimber is AMAZING!
hanging leg raises
Weighted butterfly kicks
Light weight and lots of reps for arms, also pec dec
Seated leg curl/extension/calf extensions too.

Heavy weights makes you strong
Lots of reps gets you TIGHT!
@aspatat Nothing more satisfying! You got this!!
But seriously weight lifting for to five times a week with some cardio added in, at a calorie deficit will do yah good!
@mathewhayden I just completed 75 hard and I will say…if your only goal is weight loss I don’t recommend 75. But if you have other reasons like building healthy habits I think it’s a good idea.
@aspatat Eat at maintenance or a slight surplus for 6 months, then do a cut for 2 with protein super high. Then go back to the same (6 months bulk or maintenance, 2 months cut).

Programming would make sure to phase through different rep ranges (15 one month, 3-6 the next, 8-12 the next, etc.) to keep progressing and switching it up.

Get it girl!