@aspatat Drink 1/2 your weight in water but in OZ. Ex. 180 /2=90 oz try to have salt with your breakfast to retain more water for your body to use.
Find your RDI and minus 500 cals
Then calculate your protein into your diet first.
Try to get at least 100g a day, more if you can fit it into your calories. Eat fruit and veggies and meat. Eat small portions but more through out the day. Ex. Breakfast, 2 hours later a apple, then lunch, 2 hours later a banana, dinner. Finish eating before 630. Also pick foods you like! Don’t eat a veggy because you heard it’s healthy, pick ones you actually enjoy. Same with fruits and meats.
Get good sleep! Sleep hygiene is so important. Start making a good schedule and stick to it even on the weekends.
Find out the time of day you LIKE to work out. I personally love the morning, hate doing any work outs in the afternoon or evening. Find that time you like doing it.
Cardio and strength training. Start off with free weight full body work outs for the first 2 months. then graduate to daily muscle groups with low weight and focus on form ex. Monday:chest Tuesday: legs wed: back Thursday arms, Friday shoulders . Up the weight every couple of weeks by a little. Abs, and more importantly, CORE every day no matter what.
Start taking multivitamin. I take prenatals because of the iron. Chest days help in the beginning but if you like the daily food you eat you’ll eventually prefer not to eat things out side of it.
Don’t mind the plateaus, they happen. Tweak the calories and try a new work out class to confuse your body.
Also track with free apps like fat secret. And put up a daily check list. I’m a list person so this works for me. I love checking boxes, try it. Only weigh in 1 day a week, ex every Friday. You’ll fluctuate too much during the week.