2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 1: 2007 Reload

@jonjones229 Wouldn't Tia, knowing she is in the lead, waiting for Hailey Adams to finish shoulder to overhead before starting her next round of muscle ups count as the "not giving full effort" rule? I would think yes - "I have such a huge lead I can sand bag it and conserve energy but still maintain my lead".
@mikelore Strategy and tactics for winning the event. The fact that she built her lead to the point where she can implement her strategy and tactics means she's given the right amount of effort in my mind.
@mikelore I thought the same thing, but I think it would just count as strategy. Why not take every chance for rest that you can get? Clearly she is giving more effort than everyone else to take the lead. I imagine the rule is to prevent what Moorad did when he just did the work requirement and then walked off the field.
@jasonrporter0316 yeah, but he still cruised in last rather than withdrawing to let another uninjured athlete actually compete. Not saying what he did was right/wrong, but I'm sure they want to prevent that again because it doesn't make for great TV.
@mikelore I don't think taking a break really comes into it. A lot of athletes have planned breaks in their workout.

It's more of a don't completely stop trying rule (example like Katrin on pegboard controversy years ago) and not being able to just drop it because you're in last