5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?

@uticus I’m 4’10” and I like to walk at 3.2-3.5mph on the treadmill. Anything above that and I’m gearing up to start jogging. But 3.2 feels like walking and 3.5 feels like exercise.

Keep in mind I’m a city girl so Idk if you’ve ever been to NYC but the fast walker stereotype is absolutely accurate for natives. I tend to walk too fast 😅
@uticus I do 3.0 mph at an incline of 5%, with breaks. A trainer once advised me to walk at an incline after lifting. But if I’ve taken a break, like after an injury, I start at 2.4 with no incline. Stamina is something you have to build over time, you got this OP!
@uticus This made me lol. I see these influencers saying oh i only do 30 mins at 10 incline and 3.0…. I am legitimately horizontal at that incline… is this a petite thing? I like doing 3.5-4 on flat ground, if i lower below 3.5 i do 3-4% incline.
@uticus 4’10 and I walk on 3.2-3.5and run like 5.8-7. Anything under 3.2 feels like I’m not doing anything. And I always walk on an incline 6-8

I may also add I don’t jog ever because it’s hard af and BORING. I’d rather sprint a mile at 6.8 or 7 on an incline and be done sooner
@uticus 5’2. 2.5 is my “casual stroll”, usually where I start/finish off. 3.0 is my “walking with a purpose”, and where I usually spend the most time. 3.5 is my “oh my god Im late but I would look silly if I was running there so I’m walking as fast as I can”, when I need to get my heart rate up for a bit. Any faster and Im jogging.
@uticus I’m 5”0, I try to keep to a speed of 4.2 (im speed walking and sweating for sure, this pace is challenging for me) and an incline of at 8-9% for my workouts. When I first started working out I did a speed of 3.8 though. If i want to actually jog, I increase the speed to 5.2-5.4 and slowly decrease the incline as i get too tired. I do have “long legs” and a short torso for someone who’s 5”0. I’d say my actual walking speed would be about 3.4mph haha