Andrew Hiller Open Ban?

@smithbell81 Say what you want but it’s cut and dry. I figure this is the response Hiller wanted. Still doesn’t really do anything about PEDs in the sport but no one in any sport has figured that out.
@daydreamerangel Hiller literally said “this was my goal” in regard to getting banned/kicked out. I don’t think this is the end of the storyline either. Next he’s going to produce a clean drug test or something else to further highlight flaws to the system.
@lvw He can outwardly say he was using whatever he wants and then produce a clean test but unless someone actually sees him using the banned substances it could all just be a show. He has to be smart enough to understand that, too.
@smithbell81 Dude been openly on gear for a while.

Dude makes a living from clicks and likes on his 'content'.

Dude enters a competition that bans athletes caught taking PEDS.

Dude is disqualified from that competition.

Dude could make content either way, hey they banned me, cool, I am batman yeahhh, or haha, they didn't ban me sport is dirty, I am the dark knight seeking vengeance for you all, yeahhh, I am still batman.

It was a no lose scenario for him entering, he would get clicks either way and have a topic to make another video on.
@smithbell81 So, I’ll pretend you didn’t listen to it soooo.

AH: I use/have used PEDs

CF: Ok, so you can’t be part of the open. We won’t let you in the door to eventually be tested, because you have admitted to using PEDs. Sorry.

AH: OK, Cool

(See AH comments on Dave’s post for confirmation of ok-ness)
@lalaen You reckon they are though? Or just hitting the easy low hanging fruit? He’s got a decent platform, attempts to speak directly to the games organisers and is very open about using TRT. I kind of look at this and think they’ve just seen it as an easy win.

Unless of course you were being sarcastic, in which case lol
@laurelkay There was an Aussie masters athlete that was in no danger of qualifying for the games last year (or 22). She went away camping and missed her test. She got banned.
@lilkaos82 Yes and no. She was not in the registered testing pool of athletes who are required to let HQ know where they can be reached at all times a la the WADA system. So how was she supposed to comply?