Bodyweight Fitness Progress Chart


New member
BWF Progress Chart (this is version 1, see below for the latest)

I was inspired by /@hannah97's "Bodyweight Skill Tree" post and the informative comments from a few days ago. At first I tried to improve their chart but then I realized I wanted something that included the intermediate steps in each progression and excluded the "legendary" skills that I will never attempt.

I also decided to leave out prerequisites that span across progressions to simplify the chart. I assume that reading about these progressions will expose the reader to the necessary prerequisites.

My chart is based mostly on the progressions from the Recommended Routine and from Overcoming Gravity. It is humbling to see how far I have to go before achieving even one skill considered "intermediate". At the same time I find it motivating to see how much more there is to shoot for.

I made this in Excel so I'll watch this thread for a day or two then I'll try to include any suggestions and upload the spreadsheet and share the link. I'll also share an image and PDF version that do not include my current level of progress (assuming people seem interested).

Edit #1

Thank you all for your support and suggestions. Here is version two of the chart. I made quite a few changes. I'll make a third version for tomorrow. Lots of hyperlinks to add.

BWF Progression Chart v2
  • Image
  • PDF - with hyperlinks
  • Excel - does not render well in Google Sheets - download and view in Excel
  • Removed indicators of my current progress
  • Moved legend to the bottom
  • Added a new dot style to indicate hyperlinks
  • Added hyperlinks for the first four skills in the pull up progression
  • Added hyperlinks for the references
  • Extended muscle up progression
  • Extended pseudo planche push up progression
  • Extended dragon flag progression
  • Added ab wheel progression
I decided to lower the bar for the level cut-offs. Instead of using the Beg, Int, Adv, Elite cut-offs in the OG2 chart I decided to use the Basic, A Lvl, B Lvl, C Lvl cut-offs. I feel this is more appropriate for non-gymnasts. I also found a few things that had the wrong levels so I fixed those.

Edit #2 Warning - it seems I've messed up many of the links. Stay tuned for version 4

Here is version three of the chart. Special thanks to /@bibbigo and /@thomaslowrens for their contributions.

BWF Progression Chart v3
  • Image
  • PDF - with hyperlinks
  • Excel - this almost works in Google Sheets - the problem is I'm using the Windings font for the circles so this probably looks bad on Mac as well - I'll see if I can come up with a solution that works everywhere
  • Changed from gradient to solid fill to make dots with links easier to see
  • Added many links to videos and tutorial pages
  • Added link to Antranik's site in references
  • Extended ring dip progression
  • Extended pistol squat progression
  • Extended nordic curl progression
  • Added anti-rotation pallof press progression
Edit #3

This version seems pretty solid. I fixed the mixed up links and got it working in Google Sheets. Thanks again everyone for the inputs. Enjoy!

BWF Progression Chart v4
@jellybug78 Nice work!

I really like the approach you took with your chart. The visuals are definitely not as messy as mine and easier to follow. The fact that you found a way include the inbetween progressions is quite impressive actually.

I am happy I could inspire you with my little post as that was exactly what I was trying to achieve.

Thanks for sharing this :D
@hannah97 At first I tried re-designing your chart as a Sankey diagram. It was still quite a mess as you can see here. My next idea was to try to emulate the way subway maps are designed and that led to what you see here.

This is so fun!
@jellybug78 Damn this is amazing, very cool. Definitely saved for future reference

Would it be possible to upload the excel so we can update with our own progress?
@roughcopy I intend to but I'd like to wait for the "peer review". There are a lot of new things here that I haven't heard of before so I may have made a few errors. Check back in a day or two.
@jellybug78 Nice visual. Maybe give credit or cite the OG2 charts since those are copyrighted....

The Core section is weak (ha - pun intended).

You could consider expanding this if you wanted to show more in this area. Here are my suggestions for starters:
  1. Dragon Flag progressions: Dragon Flag >> Ankle-Weighted Dragon Flag >> One Arm Dragon Flag
  2. beyond Dragon Flag: Dragon Press progressions
  3. Hanging Leg Raise progressions: ankle weighted HLR T2B, one arm HLR T2B
  4. Ab Wheel progressions missing
  5. Human Flag progression missing
  6. Hanging Window Wiper progressions missing

EDIT: Feedback for v2 of the chart :)

  1. This is very cool, so thanks again for taking the time to assemble and update it. I will be printing it and keeping it in my Fitness Journal.
  2. Horizontal Pull - maybe add 360 Pull beyond Hang Pull to Inv?
  3. Horizontal Pull - maybe add Ring/Bar Typewriter pull-ups beyond Archer?
  4. Vertical Push - Ring Dip progressions end at Beginner? Maybe add in the RTO90 with a forward lean progression in Intermediate and beyond ... at least a few rows?
  5. Horizontal Push - Pseudo Planche Push-up is missing from the progressions.
  6. Legs - is Side to Side Squat = Cossack Squat? Cossack Squat weighted, etc ...
  7. Legs - Adv Shrimp Squat = ?
  8. Legs - Maybe show Shrimp squat *below& the Pistol Squat visually?
  9. Legs - Weighted Pistol Squat as a progression past Pistol Squat?
  10. Legs - Nordic Curl progressions. Summoning local expert /@thomaslowrens.
  11. Core - Ab wheel - I guess the highest progression are implicitly from a standing position. If you have the space, maybe add the word Standing as a prefix for emphasis or further clarity to the reader? Also, Ab Wheel Rollouts can be done single arm, single leg, single arm & single leg but those are very rare.
  12. Core - Reverse Hyperextension could be spelled out at the top?
  13. Core - Hyperextension and Reverse Hyperextension have progressions too, if you want to show progressions ... Tuck, Adv Tuck, Full, Ankle-Weighted .... the OG2 Charts show this too, I believe
  14. Abbreviations: - maybe add BA = Bent Arm ... not sure if you need that, but it adds one more row as you build up and add more abbreviations.