Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

@amanda911 I also gained about 5kg which affects reps quite a bit too :)
E.g. 12x3 pull-ups -> 8x3, 12x3 tuck L-sit dips -> 10x3, pistol squats - 6x2 -> 3x2, 10x3 toes-to-bar - 6x3. 12s floor L-sit to something like 5s. Can no longer do a clean muscle-up, but pretty close — will get that again in a few weeks I think. Could do a couple HeSPU (which I was really proud of), now should take some time getting that again.
@groo101 Just wanted to say thanks for being included in the post! I'm fighting some depression and any shout out does heaps to make me feel better!
@ukubird You're amazing dude, and you've got friends here! Hit us up on IRC if you want to get your mind out of the clouds and talk about BWF, your progressions, and how to accomplish your other short term goals. They always say exercise is always the best medicine for depression (from the endorphins), but actualizing other goals helps heaps too. Feel better brochacho. :D
@groo101 Ha! Thanks man. I nearly joined the IRC chat yesterday and will be doing so as per your suggestion. I've got plenty of questions.

Running is usually my #1 go to to pump out some endorphins but I just moved home a week ago and haven't put in any miles yet. Still consistent with working out though and progress is exciting as hell. I'm deloading this week and should have a strict bar MU the following week. Sometime's you just catch a round of bad luck in life and I'm doing the best I can with it. I start a new job tomorrow and things should be improving.

Again, thanks.
@groo101 I've been practicing my wall assisted one-arm handstands, muscle ups and weighted pull-ups. Up to BW + 66 lbs for pull-ups. I've also been making some progress on my V-Sit. Practiced my one arm + pinky pullups, I can almost taste the one armed pull-up. Sort of unrelated but I took up running 2 weeks ago and got a 6:35 mile this Friday.

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