Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

@cristo There are timer scripts and ready codes available. But since I wanted the Google sheets to be shareable without requiring any special access to Google Drive it was left out. I wouldn't recommend anyone downloading sheets with scripts in them unless they are from trusted source. And still I would check the script source code if possible...

There is the NOW() function that displays the current time that can be used to log session times or as a timestamp for weight tracking etc.
@icemasterpt Thank you so much for including this!!! My goals are to lose 5-10 pounds & get an overall stronger body. I usually do rollerblading for my cardio just about everyday. Do you think the 3 day full body would help me achieve these goals?
@dawn16 There should not be much difference in strength training in meaningful way that these templates could not be used for females. The exercise progressions are the same despite of gender.

Only difference might be in the progression rep range. Usually you should reach around 10-12reps before moving to a more difficult exercise. This will usually put you in the 5-6rep range for the harder variation at first. So you end up working in the 6-12rep range most of the time. If working in the low rep range is too tought you can alter the rep range in a way that you move up in the exercise ladder when you reach 15reps for given exercise. This will put you in the range of 8-15reps most of the time.

Some glute bridges and hip thrusts can be added to the lower body days if that is what you are looking for. Custom exercises can be added on the exercises sheet.
@icemasterpt This looks really well thought out. I just had a play with it - it looks like it's designed so that you progress by increasing reps or weight over a 5+ week course, rather than progressing to different skills over that time (e.g. incline push up > push up > diamond push up).

Is that right?

Thanks @icemasterpt for putting such a thoughtful guide together and making it free!