[FLUFF] ‘Wonder Woman’ recruited actual athletes, fighters as powerful Amazonians

@mippop I hadn't realized she was in it, and when she showed up on screen I was in awe. I love her as Claire, but this was a whole new level of badass
@mippop I loved seeing her co time to be in such a powerful role! Both this role and Claire Underwood show off the many definitions of power and sets an awesome example of both!
@axlelol Maybe unpopular opinion here, but I honestly kind of hate that. I haven't seen the movie yet, but in my experience watching fighters or sports icons try to act is just embarrassing and cringy at best. Looking at rousey in fast and furious, neymar in XXX, and that one girl villain from Deadpool.

Let actors be actors, they can bulk up as needed.
@robert4963 Sure. I also think the past Oscars reflected a huge group of talent that I haven't really seen before. I get the notion that a lot of actors/actresses are cast based on what they represent rather than what skills they bring to the table. The best recent example I can come up with is casting Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty and the Beast. I think she is pretty terrible at acting, but she probably fit the image Disney wanted for their franchise. The movie was supposed to be a musical but Emma is certainly not a singer. I think I would have had more respect for the movie had they hired a Broadway star or actual singer.
@robert4963 So you'd rather Meryl bulked up for a small role with little to no speaking lines rather than someone who is already strong and athletic? That seems more cameo to me.
@iamtrying Like I said, if they have more than ten lines, I think that they should be held to a standard of acting. Probably the best example is in the f&f franchise with rousey. Barring the existing talent (Walker, Statham, gadot, and Johnson) every one of the crew members have a certain chemistry that a non actor just kind of.. Ruins in my opinion. It takes you away from the scene and puts you in your movie's seat. This is especially jarring when said actor enters a direct dialogue with the non actor, such as Samuel L Jackson talking to neymar, Ryan Reynolds bantering with Gina Carano, and rousey fighting with diesel.

I get what it's supposed to be, but non actors just completely ruin the immersion for me.
@robert4963 I dunno. I think Dwayne Johnson, John Cena, and Terry Crews have pretty solid acting careers at this point, and that's only because casting directors took a chance with them. I like that they're trying to see what female athletes can cross over to acting, though I'll concede that it doesn't always work out.
@realityy I think wrestlers are kind of a special case because to be really great you need to be good with both the moves and the mic. Dwayne Johnson and John Cena are two of the best talkers in the biz and it's so great to see both of them find success outside of WWE. Cena was absolutely hilarious in Trainwreck :).

I also love Crews' work on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
@axlelol Ugh I REALLY wanted to like this movie but by the time they panned over her feet while she's bolting at full speed across a battle field and you see that she's changed from her sensible flat sandals into BATTLE WEDGES I was kind of done.
@dawn16 Ye, so, it's not toooooooo far fetched for her to go into battle in riding boots, cause she rides quite a bit. At least that's what I'm gonna tell myself XD