Frustrated about body size and TDEE

@johnjs37 I hate it as well and that’s why I lift heavy weights. My sedentary TDEE is about 1900-2000 which is manageable enough for having fun and still cutting, then there’s my steps and workouts on top of it, so more like 2200-2400 on those days. I’m 5’4” though so at the top end of petite.
@johnjs37 It DOES suck. I was able to maintain weight for 32 years then got pregnant then started an antidepressant then weight and appetite went through the roof and haven't stopped ever since (15 years). Sucks and I'm still trying to figure it out without dropping the ad.
@hisjourney i’ve had a long history of psych medications and some of them made me gain a ton of weight. i’m currently on wellbutrin which actually helped suppress my appetite when i first started taking it. obviously between you and your doctor what is best for you but that is a medication that worked better for me than the others in terms of side effects
@legolas2106 I tried wellbutrin just for this reason and had an allergic reaction within a week (rash all over body) so had to go off, never found it if it would work for me, but thank you for the idea!
@legolas2106 did that side effect change after a while? coincidentally i have an appointment to switch from zoloft due to some unwanted weight gain but i worry that i’ll suddenly get a really insane appetite after a while of being on wellbutrin

it’s tough too because the weight gain is literally 5 pounds but i look so swollen all over and can’t fit into my jeans
@rivendoah i eventually got my regular appetite back but never gained weight from it like i did other meds. it didn’t change to an increased appetite, just my typical one

edit: typo
@johnjs37 Yeah, I'm using the app Lose it, and shows what you need to eat to lose a certain amount per week to reach your goal.

To do a pound and a half per week it was like 800 calories per day. Very annoying. Obviously you can go slower but a normal sized person would never need to eat that low.

I'm not sedentary but unless I go low cal / low carb the scale doesn't budge. IF used to be great but it doesn't do much for me by itself now. Frustrating.
@laceyintulsa i’ve been crying about this for weeks. if an average-height person ate like me they would look skeletal. yet i look fluffy, swollen, bloated. i fucking hate it here
@johnjs37 It's 100% possible to eat more food!!!! I'm 5'2" and my TDEE is 2200 cals at least! While I am so so jealous of my guy friend (6'2") currently bulking on 5500 cals, it is possible to get ur TDEE over 2k!!!
@buddyfern2016 i’m your height and if i started working out at my current maintenance calories i would legit pass away. how were you able to get enough energy before raising your TDEE to be able to work out? this is my biggest struggle.
@rivendoah I've cut on as low as 1450 cals, but I think it's just getting used to it? I lift lighter during cuts, and eat back half calories burned on runs (so if I ran 3 miles, I log 1.5 miles worth of calories to eat back).

Take it slow and really prioritize protein, water, getting enough salt and potassium and magnesium.
@buddyfern2016 I am starting my weight-loss journey on 1475 cal (500 below my TDEE) and have just (last week) started circuit training. I track every morsel so I don't accidentally go over (& I don't include my exercise calories earned back).

My trick to having enough energy is to have my breakfast an hour before exercising and that fuels the workout. High protein snacks for the inevitable hunger pangs and I weigh portions.

I have removed all sugar treats from the house as I am also a bored eater and forcing myself to record everything gives me the accountability to not mindlessly munch. It's early days yet so hopefully I can stick to it. I'm getting older now and the longer I stay sedentary, the harder it gets to be active
@buddyfern2016 Thanks!!
Very early days yet though, literally just a week into these changes.

I have to stick at it long enough to get results. I am 5'3" and am 66lbs overweight (officially obese!) and just hit my 40a so I know it won't be as easy (to lose weight) as it was in my 20s.

I'm normally someone who is "all in" to a new hobby at the beginning and then find excuses not to bother with it, but for my health I need to make this an ongoing lifestyle choice.

For now using MyFitnessPal to log food for accountability and trying to exercise 3x per week. It's a start - MFP makes me think twice about my snacks where before I'd mindlessly eat, often more out of boredom than hunger