Frustrated over being very fat.

@ctct123 Lmao whenever someone talks about their metabolism, I instantly think about the broscience video (btw new videos every week) named "best lifting excuses".
@trannamcomputer Diet is like 95% of it. Reduce portions, only eat at meals, replace your lunch with a healthy shake. That's how I lost weight super fast. It sucks at first, but you get used to it after a few days..
@kez4941 Honestly, just the act of tracking will straighten some of that out. I thought my diet was mostly ok, but you really can’t lie to yourself when you write you’re writing down another small handful of chips, or another treat yo self soda
@ms7dc It's awesome you're in great cardiovascular shape and have a high work capacity. Reallocate some of that drive to calorie counting and get that next thing done. You can do it
@ms7dc No one loses much fat doing cardio. No one loses almost any fat lifting a barbell. You should still do those, but not to lose fat.

You lose fat in the kitchen. Or by staying outta the kitchen.

I've got four fast rules, because they work, and most Americans... don't do this by default.

Don't buy snacks or junk food. Seriously. If they're not in the house, you can't eat them.

Don't eat food while watching TV; it's real easy to plow down two more slices of pizza watching the game.

Don't drink any calories. Skip the sugar free crap as well; it's junk food. Drink water, and maybe coffee or tea, because yeah, caffeine does help.

Finally, don't buy a beer. If you're gonna drink, liquor or wine.

Some of that will damn well suck for a week or two to get used to. Some is just easy. But all of it works.
@ms7dc This guy has the right idea! But If drinking diet soda and using calorie free sauces helps you sustain dieting then by all means use them! I do.. I’d have failed first week if I couldn’t down 5 Coke zeros a day or drown my chicken and rice in sauce… Also love zero cal maple syrup. I’ve been able to maintain a 6 month (rather aggressive) deficit because of these products.
Step 1: find your TDEE using an online calculator
Step 2: minus 500-800 calories off that number
Step 3: weigh your food always
Step 4: track your meals in a calorie tracker app like MyFitnessPal. Every time. Don’t miss anything.
If you do this you will watch the weight fall off week to week even if you did no exercise at all.. It really is that easy. Calories in have to be less than calories out. Need the scale… Most people underestimate calories by 50%!
@ms7dc Food packaging and pre loaded values on apps can be extremely misleading, e.g. what is "1 chicken breast" when it could be 100g of chicken breast or 200g of chicken breast you're eating, you need to know if you're tracking calories as you'll know how much you're consuming and even better, how much protein you're taking in
@ms7dc You weigh food to make sure that you know the calories.

I notice you're engaging with the "low key tips" and seeming quite avoidant/unresponsive with all the "count the calories" stuff, despite that being 90% of the responses you are getting...

Use a calorie tracker. It's not hard. Get it right, exactly right, for everything, or don't eat it.

Result = a not fat person.
@stsivo I honestly don’t understand why - if the side of the package says the calories per weight and you eat the package weight or 1/2 or 1/4 and calculate based on that - why weighing is also needed.

One person said the packaging info not accurate which would suck for our trust in the FDA. But I suppose skepticism is warranted anyway. Lol.
@ms7dc I notice you didn't engage with the part of my post that talks about all the sorts of things that you aren't engaging with!

Are you here in good faith, or not?
@ms7dc Well, also stop exclusively eating packaged food will help your weight loss tenfold.

And you need a scale for that.

You know the answer, but you are just being in denial about it at this point.
@ms7dc Diet sodas IMHO are fine. They sometimes keep me from binging on high sugar items. Weighing food is EVERYTHING. Especially with high calorie foods. Creamer, oils, butter, peanut butter, even that little dome on top of your protein powder scoop….these can all take what you think is a deficit into a surplus. I lick high volume and for many many years just tried to eat small meals throughout the day. During Covid I started IF and it changed my life. With less hours in the day to eat, I naturally eat less calories from snacking, and when I do eat it’s a larger portion and I’m actually satisfied. Not for everyone but helped me a lot.
@ms7dc I’m talking about meats, rice, vegetables, oats, cereals. The stuff you should be getting 90% of your cals from. They don’t generally come in a convenient package..