Frustrated over being very fat.

@ms7dc Get a crockpot. Cut up some bell peppers, onions, and maybe squash or something and throw it in. Add a pound of lean ground beef, maybe a big can of chunked up tomato. Leave it on high for 4+ hours stirring occasionally. Add cumin, garlic, salt, some chilli powder or something. Spice it up good. Let it cook on warm for another 10-15 minutes. Now portion it out into bowls, you can probably get 5-8 bowls depending on how many veggies you added. Serve it with rice (no other carbs, just rice). Fucking delicious, filling and you can build your other meals knowing you're going to hit a bowl of this magic later in the day. A lean pork chop or chicken for breakfast. Bananas and nuts around lunch time.

That worked for me until I got super depressed for other reasons and ate my feelings.
@ms7dc The good news is that there are many diet approaches that work. Don't get bogged down in the details, just track your food and figure out what works best. It's not easy, but it's not complicated. Lean meats are good. Veggies are good. Processed stuff is generally bad, but how bad and how processed are on a spectrum.

My advice is to have a consistent breakfast and prep your lunches. Keep it simple, get your protein in, and give yourself some wiggle room at dinner. Throw in a snack or two and mix up your spices to keep from getting bored.
@ms7dc You said your diet sux so you might already know what you need to do 🙂 In my experience diet really makes the difference. I have a good routine with my training and it’s very consistent. But if I’ve eaten poorly over the week I won’t have any change in my body composition. Never fails
@jfont75 Yea. My diet SUCKS.

I heard a conspiracy theory the other day. They said that Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign to combat childhood obesity was promoted or supported by Big Agriculture/Big Food. The industry knows that obesity is primarily the shit that’s in our food, but they push the exercise angle hard to keep the attention away from shitty food and diet. Plausible. Don’t know if it’s true though.
@ms7dc OMG. Maybe use a bit of common sense too. Moving is also super important for more than weight loss reasons - ALWAYS a good thing - helps with self-esteem and depression. That you would even entertain this idea around the campaign. (Shaking my head)
@ms7dc I worked an office job near a bomb lunch spot so I’d go there 3-4 times a week. I ate relatively clean in the rest of my life. Quit the job by the awesome lunch spot- lost 20lbs in 3 months. Even though my diet was mostly good, that ONE lunch spot was keeping me fat. Now imagine I hadn’t been eating clean in the rest of my life, I’d have been 60-80lbs overweight. Diet is 99.9% of the battle.
@ms7dc Diet is the #1 thing, as you have learned when it comes to fatloss. You want to lose fat quick check out r/psmf. It's the most effective way to lose body fat and retain lean muscle mass. I'm not gonna lie it's hard but it's worth it.