Frustrated over being very fat.

@ms7dc Liquid calories don't bring any satiety and are the fastest to spike your blood sugar, which in turn makes you hungry. No liquid calories, not even protein shakes.
@ms7dc Diet soda isn’t really healthy, there’s no nutritional value. That said I drank Diet Coke like crazy through my weight loss journey and it never affected it seemingly. There are so many fit people drinking zero calorie energy drinks, and very little science actually documenting harmful effects of artificial sweeteners. In a perfect world probably should cut it out. If you enjoy it though, you are fine. They are highly safe and studied and zero calories is zero calories
@ms7dc Many low calorie drinks (Like diet soda) are filled with artificial sweeteners and other things that have no nutritional value. It is speculated; though unconfirmed, that overtime they can damage internal organs such as liver, kidneys, thyroid, etc. Aspartame is one such sweetener, feel free to google it if you want to cringe.
@dedr4ever Unconfirmed it putting it mildly. Almost all sweeteners have been deemed completely safe in any reasonable amount. And Aspartame especially. You would have to drink an insane amount of diet soda to get to a point where it is even speculated to be unsafe.

the only real side effect from sweeteners are that some acts as laxative if consumed too much. Not aspartame though.
@gibsonian I realized at some point I have a choice, which is "drink today or workout tomorrow", and it's really "if I drink one, I'm less than half as likely to make it to the gym".

I don't love the choice, but it's the choice I have.
@ms7dc I'm in the same boat as you. I think the main thing that's helped me so far is to not try to change everything at once.

My first recommendation would be to start tracking what you eat for the first few weeks, without any intention of losing weight. Just get the data.

Then, once you have your baseline of what you eat in a week, find a way to make small tweaks. Do you drink soda? Maybe for the next few weeks switch soda for sparkling water. Do you like candy? For the following few weeks, switch to fruit. Etc, etc until you're eating ~500 calories less per day than you normally would.

With that plan, you'd eventually lose about 1 pound per week. It's not fast weight loss, but it's sustainable, and it doesn't feel like you're depriving yourself of food you love.
@richardjuarez1234 Your advice is right on. Its unhelpful when people say "just track at a 600 calorie deficit" to someone who is struggling with their diet. That's just like saying "do this to fail immediately and then give up". You gotta ease into it, otherwise it's just too overwhelming.
@ms7dc First off, weight loss happens in the kitchen. Not the gym. You can’t outwork a bad diet. 40 minutes on a stairmaster will buy you a snickers.

Secondly, motivation is shit. When you’re hungry and want a pizza with ding dongs you have to have discipline. The motivation is that you’re fat. Discipline is what will fix that.
@ms7dc Intermittent Fasting is the easiest diet I’ve found. Just don’t eat for a time. Less thinking involved. It feels fairly natural as well, like as hunter/gatherers we wouldn’t have a pantry and food ready to go for 3 square meals a day.

Good luck on your journey!
@ms7dc This is what I came here to say! I do a pretty dirty 16-8 fast- in theory I stop eating at 8pm and don’t eat again until noon. I’m pretty lackadaisical about nighttime, but I never eat before noon. Easiest was to start getting calories under control!