GoRuck as Games sponsor?


New member
I saw this yesterday from Morning Chalk Up, but no one seems to have posted about that, so I'll just leave it here if anyone is interested -


No sure what I think abut that. Plausible? Iffy methinks.
@giftsigns 10 years ago when I was participating in GORUCK events and buying their gear all the Cadre made fun of the CrossFit crowd. I remember the “you can’t kip a ruck march” shirts that a lot of the GORUCK crowd would wear go events. I’m glad they’re following the money now…
@tressa52 People will down vote this, but I don’t care

Outside of our little bubble, people think of CrossFit as pretend athletes. People think of go ruck as pretend soldiers

If the pretend athlete corporation and the pretend soldier corporation joined forces, it were produced some of the cringiest shit on the face of the earth

The perceived inauthenticity would be difficult to overcome
@giftsigns Thank you for posting, I noticed their little teaser the other day, but wasn't going to invest time into watching the whole thing for a rumor. I wish MCU would get back to being more newsy and less PR.
@giftsigns I think it is very plausible although it will be interesting to see if they can keep up the financial support. But I think these are the companies that would try to make a deal with CrossFit (they have shoes now too).

I don't think big deals will be made with non endemic brands.
@grace4nan TYR seems to be the one more likely given how many top CrossFit athletes are now TYR athletes .

GoRuck seems very niche. I don't know anything about GoRuck shoes, and don't know anyone who wears them, are they good, bad or indifferent?
@giftsigns Their footwear is surprisingly good. They poached if I recall Nike's head of development or some such and have really been nailing it.

Specifically their macv line of boots and their cross trainers hold up with the best in their respective classes.
@giftsigns Except TYR is already doing a lot of stuff with WZA, including expanding it.

I agree, they probably are the best to go with overall; I am not sure they will take over another competition at this point is all.
@jven79 Nike does not sponsor many large events. Nike mostly sponsors athletes, teams and sometimes apparel providers for a league. They could become the apparel provider but I doubt they would want to be the title sponsor. Being an athlete's company has been core brand value for a long time. But times they are a changing, so who knows.
@giftsigns Listened to the podcast on this and all I could think of when they described go ruck is, this is the end of the games outside the US

Having a US military affiliated company as a main sponsor will kill the games outside of the US