Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

@lorraineldg3 I've never understood the "man boobs are ugly" trope. If they're a man and they eat, they look like a man. That eats. The boobs are literally on a man, so thats how a man may look. Idiots.
I await my gold.

For OP, i think it's just that the more you do crossfit, the further into a dating niche you go. Right or wrong, a physically strong muscular woman does not appeal to everyone. And the more muscular you get the less appealing you become.

As already said, you may need to change where you're getting tour dates.

Keep at ti, there are plenty of men looking for a "muscle momma".
@royblizzard Basically you move to the extremes of any curve (height, weight, muscle mass, beauty etc.) and you will find less people interested in that. The pool is bigger for average / normal looking people.

I think it is a good thing though, you filter our people that would not be a good fit with the thing you love.
@royblizzard Hot take: your personality changed with crossfit, probably for the better. I would probably feel intimidated as well, as my confidence is not as strong as yours.

Anyway, a lot of friends have found their love of their life trough crossfit, and from my perspective, many of them are on similar level
@royblizzard I think the problem with crossfit is the same thing with other things people are passionate about, if your life revolves too much around it, others are gonna have a negative respond to it.
@qinfdieb This. The sad reality is, unless you’re an enhanced athlete nobody is noticing your muscles unless you’re naked, which in that case, sounds like everything is going great anyhow.

OP, I’m sure they’re not terribly shaken by your Kuwait deployments 😂
@royblizzard Lots of dudes aren’t going to want to hear this, but they talk a lot of shit about wanting a strong independent woman…until they have one. Both figuratively and literally. A lot of men whether they admit it or not are intimidated by a woman that can outdo them in various physical/aesthetic capacities. It’s an ego thing. You haven’t been “less successful” in dating, rather, your physical appearance has done the sifting for you of separating you from the asshats out there. It’s a blessing in disguise. Those dudes should be avoided anyways.
@royblizzard I don’t agree with most comments here.

Here’s my personal take: I do CrossFit and I’m a guy. I’m not big by any means, but I’m fit compared to most people.

I dated mostly thin women in the past and I’m definitely attracted to that kind of physique more than any other body type. Not unhealthy! but thin.

I dated a girl with a strong-crossfit-complexion and I found that I wasn’t attracted to that body type in particular. Maybe it was the lack of body fat to grab, or the sheer bulkiness of it.. it just didn’t feel the same FOR ME.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with fit or strong women, but im not attracted to visible traps and the same thing might happen to other people.

I also don’t think it’s about ego or insecurity, but of course this is my personal experience and you can think/feel different and that’s ok.
@royblizzard r/datingoverforty

I don’t think CF / muscles has anything to do with. Dating just mostly sucks unless you have the right attitude. Day by day with the goal of fun. No pressure.
@royblizzard 35/F here! Yes and no.

It’s become harder for me because I can’t find someone who wants to be active. I get the usual “Crush me with your thighs muscle mommy…” comments, but I just can’t find someone who wants to be active and stay active with me.
@royblizzard I am a happily married, 48 yo male, Army veteran, who has been doing CrossFit for > 13 years.

Lots to unpack here, but I can assure you that any man who find you less attractive because you are getting stronger and fitter is not worth your time. My wife and I both do CrossFit, and I love seeing her be strong and confident with her body. That is sexier than anything.

We both find that as we get older our fitness is intimidating to others our age. I can imagine the same is happening for you. It is intimidating for a 40ish year old who is not fit to see a person their age who is stronger and healthier than them. Note that I don't say "he/she" because it goes for both genders, as my wife and I have found out.

Be yourself, be strong and fit, and you WILL find somebody who shares your values.
@royblizzard People who keep fit past 30 (25?) becomes rare, more so if they are “athletically fit”. Those who are fit understand the dedication required, and appreciate people who prioritize fitness (and sleep). Everyone else tends to not appreciate what’s involved and won’t respect your time anyway.