How do y’all afford protein foods😭

@dikaioumenoi I keep it simple. Lean meat, tuna, cheese (cottage cheese, feta, cream cheese or cheddar), eggs and low carb protein powder. I steer clear of most processed things labelled “high protein” as they are usually very low actual protein per portion and full of carbs/sugar.

You can make high protein yogurt with protein powder and Greek yogurt. I add berries too. Much better value and you control the level of protein.
@aplolgeticfreak Ah the NHS website only mentions it re. Pregnancy:
Tuna: if you are trying for a baby or are pregnant, you should have no more than 4 cans of tuna a week or no more than 2 tuna steaks a week. This is because tuna contains higher levels of mercury than other fish. If you are breastfeeding, there is no limit on how much tuna you can eat.
@brokenangel1991 It’s such a great one! I always have lots of tins. Makes a great snack with cottage cheese and pickles mixed in 😁

Same with frozen chicken, it’s loads cheaper than fresh.
@mj_1969 I second the warehouse club answer. I buy a package of cartoned egg whites for less than 10 bucks and lots of boneless, skinless thighs. They last me a while and are really versatile.
@dikaioumenoi Unflavored protein powder and using it anywhere I can hide the taste. So I’ll have a fruit smoothie with a scoop of protein powder and a serving of greek yogurt. That usually gives me about 36g - 45g of protein for 310-410 calories in smoothies. I use Isopure protein powder that has zero carbs, no added sugar, etc.

Oh and a ton of egg whites. Also making my own recipe for protein pancakes. But egg whites are your friend. I buy cheap Walmart eggs so I don’t feel bad when I don’t use the whole egg.
@newbreed I second the Isopure unflavored whey protein powder.

If you add it to hot foods (like oatmeal), mix it with a cold liquid first. As little as a 1/4 cup for the entire scoop will make it mix up smooth and creamy.
@sshuttari Yes, but warning for OP: it still has a flavor, subtle, but still there. Tastes a bit like milk powder. Just wanted to let you know because I have a hard time drinking regular milk. So when I added it to my oatmeal I gagged and couldn’t finish it.

My husband loved adding it to oatmeal though! Just wanted to put it out there just in case you’re sensitive or have any kind of eating disorder. Pretty much, sneak it in wherever you’re comfortable adding it to. :)
@newbreed Same. I like drinking tea most days so I mix my protein powder into that. Breakfast is eggs and protein pancakes/waffles, whatever I feel like making that day.
@newbreed The unflavored stuff is good to bake with too. I often make waffles with it and freeze them for quick breakfasts. You can replace a good portion or flour with the powder.
@dikaioumenoi I stock up on things on sale. I can almost always find decent deals on whey protein powder on sale (I check slick deals periodically for deals) and I stock up on chicken whenever it goes on sale at the grocery store. Usually at least one brand of greek yogurt is on sale at each week so I buy whatever brand is cheap that week.