How is it possible for a red-blooded human being to hold a plank for 8 HOURS?? Please enlighten me..

@mowsurrender Yup fat 18 year old me could hold a solid plank for 1 30ish. Apparently my diet of chilli mac and top ramen made me into an elite specimen according to ops chat gpt.
@dawn16 I asked ChatGPT. Check out the answer:

Beginner Level:

Untrained individuals or those new to exercise might start with 10-20 seconds.

Novice Level:

Individuals who have been consistently exercising but are not highly trained could aim for 20-40 seconds.

Intermediate Level:

Those with moderate fitness levels may be able to hold a plank for 40 seconds to 1 minute.

Advanced Level:

Well-trained individuals with good core strength could hold a plank for 1-2 minutes or more.

Elite Level:

Highly trained athletes or fitness enthusiasts might be able to hold a plank for over 2 minutes, and some even surpass 3 minutes.
@werby Chat GPT is not a search engine, it’s a predictive text generator. It cannot be relied on for any research or any reliable records. You have to stop doing that.
@werby I wouldn't ask chat gpt for these kind of things

The world record for holding a plank is more than four hours, but thankfully, you don’t need to devote that much time. Most experts suggest anywhere from 10 up to 30 seconds is plenty. “Focus on doing multiple sets of smaller amounts of time,” says L’Italien.

As you progress, you can extend your plank for up to one or even two minutes, but don’t go beyond that. “Two minutes is often considered the maximum, and you don’t get much more benefit after that

From Harvard study

Here is another quote for a health mag

you can hold the standard plank for 60 seconds or more. You're about average
@werby The really important thing about ChatGPT is that it (and indeed all current "AI") is not actually intelligent. When you ask it a question, the algorithm calculates a sequence of words that it thinks would probably go next, based on its training data. But it doesn't actually understand the words it outputs, only that internal calculation. ChatGPT can't think or read or comprehend anything, just create the most probable series of words. Often, that is a correct answer to your question. But there's always a chance that it's not. GPT will make things up outright if the sequence of words seems to fit better.

So it's a good tool to get information about things, or to write a letter, or for common programming tasks, or plenty of other things — but you should always verify what it puts out.
@werby Chat GPT is not a research tool. Chat GPT is not a research tool. Chat GPT is not a research tool.

It is a predictive text generator.

You feed it a prompt, it scrapes its database for related material, and aggregates the most popular related material into a response.

Don't mistake the most popular for the most accurate. It's just as likely to give you the most popular internet bullshit, that has drowned out the real data.

Find a peer reviewed sports science assessment of the benefits of the plank, and people's capacity to perform it.
@werby ChatGPT is just going to be sourcing the same information as your previous googling.

It's just wrong. I'm a heavily sedentary person and still a bit overweight, seriously lacking in core training, and I can still manage a 2-minute plank.

The idea that I'm advanced coming up on elite is a joke. Take someone with less weight, less height, and extensive training for it, and 10 minutes seems like a joke for them as well.

Don't get me wrong, I also don't understand 8 fucking hours, but blowing way past 10 minutes doesn't surprise me.
@werby I did king fu classes at about age 24 and routinely saw and participated in plank holds that were several minutes long. We were pretty fit. I do believe people should be able to do a plank for at least 2 minutes if you’re life depended on it, it’s crazy to see some people struggle to hit 10-15-20 seconds.
@werby 10 minutes is not 3, also anecdotal evidence doesn't really mean anything. Are you stareing at every person in a plank and timing them?