How to get enough protein without protein powder?

@farmer88 Are you me?
Almost exactly the same height, weight, workout routine (you’re running a little more than me right now) , climb.
I have the exact same problem.
Diagnosed with IBS.

You should go see a doctor. Don’t be afraid.
@farmer88 Eat clean mostly. A lot of fermented foods. No meat. No processed foods.

If you have to go to the bathroom don’t hold it, even if you’re poo shy.
@farmer88 Interested to hear suggestions as I’ve had to lay off the pea protein recently due to...gastric issues😂 I’m supposed to get 100g a day but it’s hard trying to lose weight too!
I recently found ‘protein bread’ in Tesco(Uk) which is like 88cal/5.1g per slice so that helps a bit. Also, soy milk has like 3.4g per 100ml which can add up!
@farmer88 There are these clif bars that hold 20g of protein that I recently fell in love with that can easily make up for the 10-20g that you're missing
@farmer88 Get B12 FORTIFIED nutritional yeast and season rice/potatoes/veggies/life with it. 9g of protein/2 tbsp of the nootch. Beyond that, flaxseed and hemp seeds have some protein and fats as well EDIT: fixed b12 suggestion
@farmer88 Nothing actually. Someone told me it was bad and I didn't fact check. Just went to find supporting evidence and couldn't. Ignore me, get the b12 fortified nootch and laugh when omnis all where you get your protein and b12
@farmer88 One change I made to boost my protein intake was to switch my breakfast to a high-protein cereal (there are a few different ones out there) with soy milk. Currently this means one serving of Kashi Go Lean cereal and a cup & a half of soy milk (some in the cereal and a bit to drink) which adds up to about 24 grams of protein (the cereal itself accounts for half of that).

Something more controversial that I've done is introduce mussels & oysters as a quick, high-protein snack. This is obviously a personal thing but after researching I believe this does not have the ethical or environmental drawbacks that I'm otherwise concerned with while providing a quick and easy source of some nutritional elements that are a bit more difficult to add to my diet otherwise.
@farmer88 Have you considered upping your fiber intake to counter balance the constipation? Adding a couple of pieces of fruit, like apples and oranges, each day might help.
@farmer88 You could make your own more natural protein shake with chia, flax, peanut butter and whatever other things for flavor. Also snacking on nuts throughout the day!
Good luck!
@farmer88 If constipation is your problem, that must mean you're not getting enough fiber in your diet, which for a vegan eating mostly whole plant based foods, is surprising. How often do you consume beans (other than similar foods like lentils and edamame) and other high fiber/high protein foods? Also realize that the more fiber you consume, the more water you should consume as well. If you eat on the go, this may also be a cause of digestion issues. I find it helps a lot to make sure I'm seated while eating and for a bit of time after that to digest. Hopefully this helps out a bit! I've dealt with similar issues and finding the right balance of everything really is key.