Is 100g protein enough to gain muscle compared to a higher amount?

@saultopaul Just keep protein around 25% of your diet. Protein is a builder, but it needs proper material to strengthen your muscle cells.

If you are new, work on balancing your diet first. You'll go through body recomp for the first 6 months. After that, you'll need to start eating a surplus of calories to gain muscle
@spiritualchocolate How much protein body can process? How much is too much? Don't talk bullshit if you don't have nothing to prove it with.

It's an old tale that body can process only a certain amount of food at once. Yes, too much protein can lead to some bad effects, but you would need to eat ungodly amounts of protein everyday non stop, which is very rare.
@sglemom I think there's a lot of mixed research out there. I was told that your body can't absorb more than 30 grams of protein in a sitting, but I also ran across an article that claimed up to 50 grams was readily absorbed.
@saultopaul I still get gains eating much less protein (example, half my bw in lbs to gs protein). All my research points us overestimating how much we actually need. However, it doesn’t hurt to get a higher optimum amount.
@saultopaul It depends on your goals. Are you looking to recomp your body weight by getting stronger and leaner but stay the same weight, or are you looking to gain weight?

If you need to gain weight (if you have little muscle mass) you should really key in your numbers so you're eating enough of all the macros.

If you're staying the same weight but building muscle, you can likely stick to the lower end of that protein range, but the key is to track your intake and results to tweak the numbers to optimize them for you, because everyone is different.
@saultopaul Enough to gain muscle? You could eat a LOT less and still gain muscle. About 75-80g is likely more than enough to get optimal gains. I'd be more concerned with carb loads before/after working out at your size.

If you were eating 30g per day you could still gain muscle, it would just be far from optimal gains. 100-120 is not going to benefit you any more than 80 will.
@saultopaul That’s plenty, I weigh 172 lbs and eat 110-120 grams of protein a day and I’m pretty lean, unless you’re a high performing athlete you don’t need 1 gram per lb, for 4 days a week weight training 0.6-0.8 grams per lb is totally adequate. Most people way overload their protein
@saultopaul Progress update? Personally I'd take 100g+ of protein, as well as branch chain amino acids just to completely remove it as a question of "do I have enough protein "
Protein is relatively cheap.
A large breakfast and dinner with a scoop and a half of protein drink powder puts me at 100g most days.