Is 100g protein enough to gain muscle compared to a higher amount?

@wantforum Thank you!!! Honestly I felt like crap for years. Always trying to gain weight and hit my protein goals. As soon as I stopped having dairy and my daily whey shake my life and health improved drastically
@stf It makes my sinuses swell up and gives me a headache for a week when I get even a little. When I was younger it gave me acne, which cleared up the instant I took dairy out of my diet.

Butter and casein are fine, it's only whey that is the problem, and only from cows, so I can have goat milk and cheese which means mac cheese is back on the menu.
@mart113 For very obese individuals, you may choose to base protein intake on lean body mass. There are however some studies suggesting that a higher protein intake may assist in weight loss.
@saultopaul Between 100g-120g of protein should be more than enough for your stats. If anything, it looks kind of high.

As for min-maxing protein, I wouldn't worry too much about it. There's loads of research going on, but it's all a big mess tbh. Sticking to a range of 1,2-2g of protein per kg of bodyweight should be fine. Pick a number, and then listen to your body.

Make sure you don't forget the carbs. It's become a trend to focus on protein, but you'll need energy to turn that protein into muscle.
@hawke213x I have known of the protein limit and usually keep my meals to 30g

Always wondered why big time body builders would do 70 or more in one meal.

Or does eating and immediately lifting allow it to be used almost instantly?
@tgc2006 That protein limit per meal was for fast absorbing proteins like you find in protein shakes.

This is obvious when you consider some meat proteins can take up to 7 hours to digest.
@tgc2006 The scientific evidence for such high protein requirements is lacking AFAIK. I think the upper limit is 1.25g/kg of body weight. Beyond that, it is mostly wasted.

It is advisable to consume protein within 1 hour of exercise. You don't have to eat immediately. You can rest for 30-45 minutes.

Yeah, there is a lot of bro science not backed by evidence. Also, bodybuilders have damaged their kidneys by consuming too much protein.
@saris Yeah listen to this one. The best intake amount is a range not a single number.

Also optimizing in terms of timing and nutrient pairing will give you just a minor improvement that you don't need to concern yourself about.

Congrats, most women undereat protein, you are doing great!

Oh and also: more than 2g per kg is NEITHER more beneficial nor dangerous both are a myth.
@saultopaul People typically underestimate the amount of protein they get in a day. I used to be the same way I would add mass gainers to my diet and choked them down until I wanted to puke. One day I just ate my normal diet and saw no difference in my growth rate.

I added up the macros I consumed on a day to day from the whole wheat bread in my pbj to my the Swiss cheese I ate as a snack.

I was consuming over 130 grams without the gainers.

Honestly I would worry less on how much protein to consume and more so on just getting enough food with proper training. From there add or remove protein as you need it.
@mpholyghostgirl Yeah, i feel like the biggest mistake a lot of people make is that they don't realize how much protein is in bread, pasta, rice etc. They look at the main source of protein for a meal(like Yoghurt for breakfast) and just ignore that the oats they're eating with it also contains quite a bit of protein.