I fing hate protein shakes. How do I eat enough gains?


New member
It doesn't matter what brand or flavour it is, I just hate sweet thick drinks, I've never liked normal milkshakes either. I've tried to force myself to drink protein shakes over the years but they make me feel so nauseous, usually for several hours.

Is it remotely possible to me to eat enough protein to gain muscle without them? I'm also gluten intolerant so I can't just whack out a seitan sausage. I dont feel like it exists but if anyone can suggest an affordable savoury snack that can give me a 30g protein hit please I would be eternally grateful!

(5ft5 woman 130lbs ish, current protein mostly from tofu, soy milk, kidney beans - incase someone asks)
@newbee3 Hi! I hope this helps, it's my guide to vegan protein. It's by grams/100calories, and doesn't include fake meat. It's absolutely possible to get enough protein without shakes, they just make it a lot easier.
@luxaeterna Always dry. You add no nutritional value when rehydrating. So if you have 100g of dry and add 100g of water there’s not magically more protein or anything
if you have 100g of dry and add 100g of water there’s not magically more protein or anything

Of course I am aware of that. Obviously if it weighs 100gm after it's been rehydrated but you're meant to weigh it dry, you're losing nutrients. None of the packets I've had have specified whether to weigh it wet or dry.
@luxaeterna I think it's often measured dry because that's what it is sold as. The more useful measurement might be rehydrated? All the nutritional info comes dry though
@newbee3 Buy some TVP, soy curls, soy chunks (whichever). Soak them. Drain and season. Stick them in the oven with some oil on for 20-30 mins. Easy huge load of them that can be put in a sealed container for snacking!
@kayjayy Thank you! I have some chunks I bought ages ago but couldn't work out how to cook them. I'll try doing this in the air fryer, I love crispy savoury things so this could be a great tip
@newbee3 I’ve recently got an airfryer and crumble up tempeh into with a little sesame oil. It comes out tasting a bit like like popcorn and is an easy way to snack. I like to dip it in hoisin sauce too
@newbee3 You don't need protein powders at all. You can get everything you need from whole plants.

The best scientific guide for vegan athletes I have found is by Dr Fuhrman, includes sample meal plans and a discussion of dietary requirements.


I would go as far as suggesting mods/admins to include this guide as a recommended resource. It comes up so frequently. "Am I getting enough protein? Do I need to supplement?" etc...
@prettyxdee Hmm.. as I woman with much lower calorie needs- this plan ends up making me feel discouraged. My maintenance is maybe 1500 calories and my weight is 109 lbs. So, at the upper end of the protein intake I would need ~80 grams of protein.

I would love to see more meal plans for women with lower calorie needs who also strength train.

Too many athletes especially endurance athletes suggest meal plans of 3,000 calories to achieve protein goals by using nuts and beans.

Instead I need to focus on seitan , tofu, and tempeh, and nuts very very sparingly to reach my goals.
@jakob1997 As I said, those are only examples. Use the principles in the report, adjust them to your needs.

If a 5000 cal strength athlete can meet all his needs from plants, so can you on 1500 cal per day.

IDK why you feel discouraged at all.