I fing hate protein shakes. How do I eat enough gains?

@newbee3 Oof I feel for you! I’m also vegan and gluten intolerant but thankfully I enjoy vegan protein shakes otherwise I’d struggle massively. I’ve just got some clear vegan stuff that goes in water that’s pretty good that might be better for you? I like lentils, air fried tofu chunks, baked beans aren’t a bad source either. Brown rice. Vegan protein bars too - I like misfits (gluten free and vegan).
@newbee3 Funnily enough I’ve actually had to swap out my rice and baked beans lunches because they were flaring me up too lol. I’m now having a lot of gluten free ciabatta rolls with avocado & falafels but the protein is not great unless I pair with a shake haha.

It’s MyProtein Clear Vegan - I got apple & elderflower flavour and also raspberry mojito!
@loversofjesus_2018 It looks like thats the obvious brand in the UK- but glad to hear a good review.

Have you tried sourdough depending in how gluten intolerant you are? I can't have normal bread but I bake my own sourdough while goes down fine and is much better and cheaper than gf bread!
@newbee3 Yes I do like MyProtein but only when stuff is on sale!

Oh that’s interesting! I can’t tolerate sourdough unfortunately which is a shame as I miss it dearly haha. There are some gf sourdough loaves but as you said it’s not cheap. That’s great you can bake your own!
@newbee3 So, you mention the hatred of sweet thick drinks. Some brands do make natural flavored protein. Plantfusion has one for example.

You can also get creative with protein powder, no need to make it a thick “milk” shake. Mix it in with oatmeal, make protein baked goods, for example.

If that doesn’t sound good, than your main options are likely extra firm tofu, tempeh, lentils, TVP… the staples.
@newbee3 What about vegan jerky from soy curls? Hopefully I don't sound like I work for them (I don't) but Louisville Vegan Jerky is actually having a big sale on their site today. (although I'd double check that all the seasoning they put on it doesn't contain any gluten)
@newbee3 Protein pasta? I have red lentil penne. Add in soy chunks. Whatever sauce you want, plus nutritional yeast

Edamame is a great snack

Air fried chickpeas as well

I'm wondering if you could do less protein powder? Ex use half a scoop instead of a whole one? You can also add protein powder to oats or chia seed pudding along with other toppings (hemp hearts, other seeds for protein)

Also protein bars? Clif builders have some that are 20g of protein so I always have those on hand

There is this vegan Greek yogurt out as well. I tried it but don't like it myself lol. But idk maybe you might? And add some fruit and protein granola
@newbee3 So, this may not help much, but you can buy unflavored protein powder. You can then mix it into the sauces you put on your savoury meals. I sometimes mix in some unflavored protein powder to pump up my hummus. You just need to add some extra seasoning.

You coule also add the unflavored to a very large quantity of water and drink it throughout the day so it won't be as thick for you.