I was promised endorphins

@shoeshavetongues Second this observation and the menopause Reddit community. An older body is not a younger body. I’ve had the full pain-in-the-ass meno for the last three years and things do change. Still happy and active but a bit slower and longer recovery times. Can’t cheat skipping rest days.
@romans5to8 Are you hoping for an energy peak after working out? My energy levels are overall higher if I’m working out - it’s easier to wake up in the morning, and I don’t crash at 3pm. It’s easier to do things after work, I feel more excited to do things and get out of the house on the weekends, and I struggle less to find motivation vs. understanding the benefits of discipline. I have less sad days, or shorter sad/anxious periods, but working out doesn’t mean you’re always going to be a peppy energizer bunny. You’re still a human being who will experience the full range of human emotion. And you need quality rest more than you do if you’re sedentary.
@romans5to8 Get your hormones checked out and make sure all is well in that department. Men tend to get theirs checked out more often than women but I feel like it's just as if not more important for women especially as we get older.
@adventurer83 I'm confused because hormone testing doesn't seem to be a regular part of a healthy woman's care in the US. I have had my thyroid levels checked but that's about it. I'm not sure it would be covered by insurance if I had it done and my PCP would ask me why I wanted it done if I asked her. Do women really get their hormones checked much? How/why?
@haianhjumi I think it's more common for those into fitness or in the fitness industry to inquire about it but the general population doesn't seem to really be aware that it's an issue that they can talk to their doctor about. I think you have to specifically ask for it to be done or they just do the bare minimum with blood work etc. Women go through a lot that can wreck their hormone balance from giving birth to birth control to premenopause then menopause all does a number on the body. Just talk to your doctor about your symptoms such as fatigue, lack of sexual drive or dryness etc, just as a doctor would check if a man's testosterone is low, women can get tested as well. If your doctor doesn't know how to help you out with it then find a doctor who's more knowledgeable about that kinda stuff. I don't see why it wouldn't be covered by your health insurance since it's a general health issue but it doesn't hurt to ask your provider about it.
@romans5to8 I get limited energy from exercise. I am always so tired and destroyed in the evenings, if I had a workout in the morning. My nutrition and sleep is good and I have regular blood tests so it is just my body - maybe it would be different if my job wasn’t extremely stressful. In any event, I persist with hard exercise because it makes me much happier (albeit soooo tired).
@romans5to8 It’s recommended that adults get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, and I’m pretty sure that’s for people who aren’t also intentionally tearing muscle fibers to encourage stronger regrowth on the reg.
@romans5to8 You know I sometimes I have the same issue I’m a 29F but when I want an extra push on my endorphins I do find it in music tbh idk if that will help out while you workout find music that gives you that rush!
@eschatologist With lifting I have to have music to get into an altered state as well, it’s not so much a high, but more like a trance like state. When you’re lifting try listening to music that makes you feel things (I use angsty emo music personally, it doesn’t have to be upbeat). Then while you’re doing your reps try to “unfocus” your vision, I find this helps too with getting into this state. It’s more like an emptying of the mind meditative catharsis than a high in my opinion.
On another note, if you’re looking for a cheap and easy way to get endorphins without tons of cardio try cold plunges or something similar. When I went to a gym one of my favorite things post work out was to get very hot in sauna and then spend 30–60 seconds in shower at coldest temp and switch back and forth a couple times. This has tons of health benefits and the stark temperature change releases endorphins. If you have any heart issues do research before though. Stark temperature changes can be too much for some people with heart conditions.