"If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?

Which is like saying “say that to my face see what happens m8 ill bash ur fookin ead in i swear on me mum”
@soulwinner92 Agree, if heavier compound lifts are your goal, you should probably be able to hold a plank for 2 minutes...it's not a hard thing to do...I'd argue that if you're holding a GOOD plank, 2 minutes will be a struggle (max engagement of stomach, on extended arms, pelvic tilt) so a shorter plank with more engagement may be beneficial for form.
@cabalauxz I don’t think it’s even semantics. I just wouldn’t be surprised to find someone who is really strong (like can Bench a lot) not be able to hold a 2 minute plank. Especially at the heavier weights.
@jermyn That would fall under semantics for me. I wouldn't consider someone who only has a good bench, to be strong.

There's even videos of Bodybuilders trying calisthenics for the first time, and they actually do really well. Like people who have never even heard of muscle ups, being able to perform them (somewhat sloppily) on rings.

Most strength is transferable. And a plank is pretty easy.
@cabalauxz Fair enough. I don’t think holding a plank for 2 minutes makes or breaks whether one is strong or not but that’s just different viewpoints. 😊

I'm not sure how you can be considered "really strong" if you can't do a 2 minute plank. Maybe their arms are "really strong," but on a whole, a person is not really strong, without good core strength.