Just joined a CF gym and I’m confused


New member
I’m a 49 year-old woman brand new to CrossFit but I have been lifting weights for 30 years. I’m well-versed in the traditional style of lifting: working out specific body parts with moderate to heavy free weights, multiple sets, rest in between, etc.

CrossFit workouts are new to me. They kick my butt from a cardio perspective. But I’m wondering how I ensure that I’m working my whole body on a regular basis and doing things that build muscle. For instance, the WODs at my CF gym haven’t included exercises for chest, arms or calves (I’m on my second week).

Is this normal? Should I be supplementing my CF training with traditional weight lifting? Is CF meant to replace weight lifting the old-fashioned way?

** Edited to add the workouts I’ve done so far (I did 3 WODs the first week and I’m on week 2)

Day 1

4 Supersets:
- 5R KB Strict Press + 10R KB Bent Row
- 5L KB Strict Press + 10L KB Bent Row

(Odd Rounds 1/3/5/7)
- 20 Russian KBS
- 10 Push-ups
- 200m Run

(Even Rounds 2/4/6/8)
- 20 Alt KBS
- 10 KB Goblet Alt Lunge
- 200m Run

Day 2

3x10 Tempo Front Squat
(3 sec negative)



16 Min AMRAP:
- 50 DB Thrusters (50/35)
- 200m DB Farmers Carry (10 Air Squats every time you switch)
- 50 Alt Single Arm DB Burpee DL
- 50 T2B/K2E

Day 3

Overhead Squat for load: 7 sets, 1 rep each

5 rounds for time of:
• 400m run
• 15 Overhead squat 95/65#

Week 2:

Day 1

4 Supersets:
- 7R/7L Half Kneeling Landmine Press
+ 7R/7L Side Plank Rotations

- 10 DB S2OH (5R/5L @ 70/50)
- 10 Alt DB Snatch
- 10 V-Ups
- 300m Run

Day 2 (today’s WOD)

5 Supersets:
- 10 Weighted Slantboard Squats
+ 5R/5L Bench assisted Single Leg Bridge w/Pause (1 sec at top)

16 min AMRAP:
- 50 KB Goblet Box Step Ups (70/53)
- 50 KBS
- 50 Box Jump Overs
- 50/40 Cal Row
@zou52022 Yep, there won't be isolation moves for those, but arms get used all the time.
Gymnastics tend to work arms and chest for example.
Box jumps work your calves etc

But no, you won't be doing calf raises and bicep curls
@nicolenik Chest/Arms/Calves in the sense of isolation won’t really happen unless you’re in a bench press cycle. CrossFit doesn’t traditionally do iso work unless it’s supplemental at the end.

However, all 3 of those body parts should have been exercised and utilized in some sense within 2 weeks. Push ups, burpees, double/single-unders, box jobs, pull ups, press etc. If your gym somehow managed to miss all of those movements in 2 weeks I’d be really interested to see their programming.

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