My 1 1/2 year progression

@heavenhome Can you share info on your typical diet? Do you cook at home or eat out? Great post I coincidentally bought Jeff Nippards Fundamentals yesterday. The only thing is I don't have a gym right now due to COVID so I'm working with a crappy setup.
@heavenhome Good work dude, you are pretty strong for your frame, with that gym time I was squating 140 and deadlifting 180 and I would dwarf you I think you are better for strenght then mass
@heavenhome Huge back growth! I've always struggled to grow mine. Barely feel like I'm getting the hang of it after 3 years. Got any pointers you'd like to share?
@dawn16 I struggled with my back for the first year, so I tried to establish a very good mind muscle connection which changed everything.

I think what helped too was 1/2 month of 5x5 pull ups to get my strength up. And personally I think for back width are rowing excercises better.
@heavenhome After being in the gym for close to 2 years (and injuries/time off for surgery) you are correct. My pt is a big believer in mind muscle connection, and he is a level above everyone I see in my gym.