My Handstand Journey: What I wish I knew when I began

@justiceisblind For VERY VERY beginners?

Well, I started by literally holding myself up against the wall. I did this until I could hold 30-60s. This made sure I had enough strength and endurance in my wrists and shoulders.

I then started experimenting with frogstands to get used to hand balancing and train my wrists, and Headstands to practice holding my body upside down. Hollow holds are also encouraged in this community but I found I personally didn’t need them.

Stick with these for a couple of months, then start practicing bringing your feet off the wall when upside down, alongside how to safely bail from a handstand (cartwheeling away)
@justiceisblind for the chest to wall Hs, the closer to the wall ur hands are the harder it is (keeping hollow body to avoid resting too much on the wall tho) but u can try L handstands against the wall which is way easier, the one that Gabo Saturno demonstrates in his beginner handstand follow along routine
@lsouza You’re right, the long-haul applies more to those of us who don’t/didn’t have coaches.

If people are lucky enough to be able to afford coaching then I hands down think it’s achievable in far less time.
@mylordisfaithful It used to be too painful for me to do pushups due to my wrists but I was able to fix this in a few months. Now I can do handstands and clapping pushups. Here’s what I did to resolve the wrist pain:
  • Took time off climbing.
  • 3x8-12 reverse wrist curls twice a week. If you climb, this trains the antagonists and corrects muscle imbalance.
  • 3x8-12 pushups on knees. Pushups on knees were still painful, but bearable. I did this a few times each week.
  • Get in a pushup position (on knees is fine) and lean as far as forward as you can. Hold this stretch for 30s. Do 2-3 sets of this, ideally every day.
Once I was doing handstand practice, I didn’t have to do the stuff above anymore.
@jesusloverr Thanks for sharing! Great tips indeed. I've practiced HS at my crossfit classes quite often, and to have somebody comment and correct your form is indeed super helpful.

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