My Handstand Journey: What I wish I knew when I began

@jesusloverr My biggest struggle regarding the handstand is wrist mobility. If I go into handstand it hurts my wrist (it hurts on the dorsal side) from lack of wrist mobility. What did you find to be an effective way to improve on this?
@wearingthearmour Don’t get too tied up with the warmup it’s not literal (since like you said joints can’t strictly “warm up”). But that being said you can get blood flowing through them and lubricate the tendons and soft tissue attached to them. This is what a wrist warmup would do.

In layman’s terms, all you’d have to do is move your wrists around in all their planes of movement (ie. all directions).

In more concrete terms, you’d best follow a follow along guide like GMB’s wrist prep. It looks long but after a few sessions you’ll have it memorised and it won’t take any time at all.

Good luck!
@jesusloverr Managed to injure my wrist doing yoga. I'm now doing GMB's Wrist Prep daily and will likely add Antranik's exercises in next week thanks to your tip. I hope the rehab/recovery time is quick. I've been so bummed out not to be able to do pushups since week 2 of quarantine.
@wearingthearmour Stretching out your wrists for mobility is just one component. You should also actively be strengthening your forearms as well. If you have resistance bands or light dumbbells, you definitely want to do the exercises shown in FitnessFAQs video below

@wearingthearmour As glandufaya said to a similar comment in this thread, the GMB wrist prep routine on YouTube is gold. Just search GMB wrist prep routine on YouTube. It’s recommended in warm up section for the bodyweight fitness recommended routine. It helped me get to the point where I can do three pull ups without getting injured, and I’m a pudgy female so that says a lot.

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