My Handstand Journey: What I wish I knew when I began

@jesusloverr I feel like this post was what I needed to red today and everyday of my life now!!!!! It describes exactly how I feel and couldn’t really put into words. Thank you!!!
@jesusloverr I like how this post comes out maybe 15 days after trying to learn to handstand. I’m still practicing, and have learned to dismount without fear. I’m working on straightening myself out, and the most I’ve held it was 1.5 seconds.
@jesusloverr Thank you for this post. I recently made it my goal to get a handstand. I decided to start with a headstand to learn body control, core strength and it took me over 1.5months to lift off and stay up.

It’s frustrating and a previous old and chronic wrist injury keep slowing me down whenever I try to get on my hands (instead of forearms)

But your post really puts into perspective the “marathon not a sprint” aspect of this skill. Thanks for all the tips!
@jesusloverr Damn this is on point. I am 4 months in of atleast 4 days a week 5-10 min a day practise. This stuff is hard! Longest hold was 5 controlled seconds but its ups and downs. Looking forward to the moment that the control flows through me and I get it everytime!!
@jesusloverr Great post and congrats for your progress. I really liked the diluted analogy for the kick up. Sticking first to a particular strategy is way more productive than losing yourself in all the different variations.
@jesusloverr Thanks for sharing! During your 15mins daily practice, how much of that is actually spent in handstands vs rest? 50/50? I’m spending 12-15mins practicing around 4x per week, but probably only on my hands for 4-5mins and wondering if it’s enough volume.
@inspiredbylight So I literally do 2-3 sets of back-2-wall and chest-2-wall each, aiming for as long a hold as I can (using finger and heel pulls). That takes maybe 5 minutes.

Then the remaining 10 I spend doing freestanding practice. That wouldn’t equate to 10 minutes upside down though, more like 30 seconds HS, then 30s to 1min rest, then another 20-30s HS. Rest, HS, rinse and repeat for time.

That make sense?
@jesusloverr When it's a good time to start practicing it? I just started the RR, but I'm in good shape from previous activities. "The sooner the better" or i should master something else first?