People told me l’m doing junk volume. I’ve never seen such fast gains though

About 2 months ago, I started a new workout routine. I'm 20 and have been lifting ever since I was 16. I've pretty much just used a basic 9 sets a muscle group (2 groups a day, 5x a week), heavy as possible 3x10's routine. I was 6'1" 173lbs 2 months ago, with low body fat.

Now I'm 182lbs, all muscle gains. Same diet too. My new routine is a 3 day routine. On my pull day, for example, l'II do 36 sets of biceps and 24 sets of back (I’ll follow the same structure with triceps/chest and shoulders/legs). A mixture of light and heavy weights with varying rep counts and supersets included, and I don't do any super heavy sets anymore.

Arms is where I've specifically blown up like a balloon, and that's where I was told my junk volume is mostly at.

I still haven't plateaued and I'm rewardingly still sore after my pull workout yesterday, just like the soreness the first time doing the workout. I just feel like if you're struggling with a plateau, don't be scared to do what others would consider junk volume. Everyone's body responds differently and you might be able to unlock something like I have.
@faetalesprincess You didn't gain 9lbs of muscle in two months. Even a complete beginner couldn't do that.

36 sets of bicep work in a single session is honestly ridiculous, but it's possible that you've simply been undertraining your arms for four years, and they're responding to the massive boost in volume.

Regardless, I would not expect this kind of volume(or progress) to continue. It's great that you saw better results by switching your routine, but temper your expectations.
@sugarcookies Agreed & I'd go as far to say that this 'progress' is majority inflammation-induced water weight gain. Which furthers the point of not expecting the 'progress' to continue because you can only get so inflamed before you either tap out or you start to experience health problems.
@faetalesprincess Stop training those muscles for 3-7 days and see if they noticeably/measurably shrink. Takes about 2 weeks of no training before actual muscle loss starts, but inflammation typically resolves itself much sooner
@faetalesprincess You’re not inflamed. Thousands of years ago humans would hunt all day. Our bodies can handle way more than people think.

I’m 31 and lift 15 hours per week, and also do 5 hours of cardio per week in the morning. I have zero problems and am jacked af, and I’m natty. Just look at Goggins. Dude trains nonstop and has zero issues with fatigue.