Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!


New member
We are happy to welcome back Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ, @ckxcr, to do an AMA with us tomorrow 1Jun2023. You can start posting questions now and upvote the ones they would like to see answered. Berto will start replying around 1pm EST tomorrow.

Thank you to Boostcamp for offering to sponsor this AMA. Boostcamp is a free training app for science-based lifting programs with options such as Alberto Nunez's Upper Lower program and programs from Eric Helms, Geoff Schofield, Bromley, etc. If you have any questions please go to r/Boostcamp.

Alberto's Upper Lower program is actually available right now for free! Link here.

For more information about Alberto see his websites here:




Hope to see you all tomorrow! Happy lifting.
@paparazi257 Kind folks, I have fallen ill with some stomach bug, but keep the questions coming. I'll ensure nobody is left out and all questions get a proper answer. I insist; please keep them coming.
@paparazi257 Is increasing training volume more important than training at a higher level of effort (as in proximity to failure)? What’s your take on “high intensity training” (ie. one set to failure)?
@paparazi257 Why do you program an upper/ lower split (in boostcamp) vs a traditional bodybuilding split? It doesn’t seem like a lot of volume and doesn’t adhere to the 10-20 sets per week per muscle as commonly recommended. Thanks
@striveforclarity I was wondering the same ! Just did the very first workout but I went really hard and I gotta say I feel spent since I went so hard. Wondering how the routine will progress !

To alberto : how do you feel about adding stuff like partials / rest pause / dropsets etc in this routine and how do you recommend to fit them in ?
@queenie4o Master this stuff first and then add

Remember that you would run a mile at a different pace to a marathon. Each session should have that perspective in mind. Appreciable muscle is like appreciable wealth. Forget this day, week, or program.

Focus on what you can generate over years of hard work. Let this guide your many decisions along the way.
Appreciable muscle is like appreciable wealth. Forget this day, week, or program.

Focus on what you can generate over years of hard work. Let this guide your many decisions along the way.

What a salutary statement.
@paparazi257 How should programming change when an athlete switches from bulking to cutting? For example, is there merit in switching to a lower volume higher intensity program to build strength, since most lifters can’t gain muscle on a deficit?
@terasee additionally when making dietary changes do you often have multiple sets of volume ranges that you will assume as a starting point based on prior diets/caloric intakes/rate of gain or loss
@paparazi257 How has your internal narrative about your physique changed over the years? Do you find yourself being overly critical of your perceived weak points still? Or do you have a better relationship with the man in the mirror?
@young86 I forget what I look like half the time

Usually people remind me in public

I see things that are lacking from a sports specific lens. I stopped wearing my muscles as accessories two decades ago. I fortunate in that I got to this place quicker than most
@paparazi257 Can someone get promising results following your Upper/Lower program assuming that he is tracking calories on surplus, getting enough sleep and lifting with proper form?
  1. How do you make the decision between intensity and volume, and does your exercise selection change once you choose either of them?
  2. For body parts that don't seem to grow despite consistent work, what would you do and change?