Question thread for our AMA with Eric Helms of 3DMJ!

@paparazi257 feedback on this routine?

monday - push:
Incline smith press (3)
flat dumbell press (3)
overhead machine press (2)
dumbell lat raise (4)
pec deck chest fly (2-3)
skull crusher (3)
tricep pushdown(3)

tuesday- pull:
lat pull-down (3)
pronated grip machine row (3)
unilateral machine row(3)
cable rear delt fly (3)
cable / dumbell hammer curls(3)
cable / dumbell curls alternate (3)

wednesday - legs:
Barbell squats (3)
hamstring curl (3)
leg extension (3)
calf raises (3)
leg raises (3)
machine crunches (3)

thursday - rest

friday - chest/back:
machine flat press (3)
pull ups(3)
Incline dumbell press (3)
unilateral machine row(3)
pec deck chest fly (2-3)
pronated machine row (3)

saturday - shoulders and arms:
dumbell shoulder press (3)
cable lat raises (4)
rear delt cable fly (3)
cross body tricep extensions (3)
preacher curl(3)
incline curl (3)

sunday - rest
@dawn16 There aren’t universally good routines, I can think of many scenarios where this would or wouldn’t be a good routine depending on the individuals needs. If you’re progressing on it, it’s good enough. I’d recommend my other resources to help you understand how to program for individual needs that I brought up in this AMA like Bodybuilding Program Design