Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

@fender75 Surround the target areas with rest days when organizing the microcycle. Have these body parts be trained earlier in the week while running everything else at maintenance.
@paparazi257 Do you worry about hitting a minimum effective dose per session?

10 years into training (little more than half well advised), most sets to failure just because I like it/ saves time. Sometimes I still worry if I do 2–3 sets, is that actually doing anything?

For about the past year, I have been doing a 4-day split, so I don't have to worry about this. Doing about 5 sets minimum per muscle per session. Thinking of running your upper lower program (with some modifications) has me thinking about this. Thanks for all you do, I really look up to you
@seitsem%C3%A4n Doing more is a good solution until it isn’t. There is Nothing wrong with dosing yourself while taking your current skill level into consideration.

This includes exercise technique, selection, nutrition, and lifestyle.

Eventually, you want to condense the work for the sake of time and joint health.

Think of every joint as a barring on a car. They only have so reps in them.
@paparazi257 On the boostcamp program, the Dumbbell lateral raises says 2 sec pause on the bottom. Isnt it supposed to be on top since at the very bottom there is no medial delt stimulus?
@amoskaeg I want as little momentum on this lift as possible. Making people aware of what they do as they start the concentric action is always easier with a transitional pause.

But you are right in your assessment