This is my one transformation after starting lifting

@claireanneh oh, I know my shape is changing, my clothes fit different and I look better naked, I would just like to weigh less. (Yes, I know it's a silly vanity, I've just always had a certain number in mind...)
@claireanneh Oh my god, that bit about the sausage jeans and marshmallow/feeling like you're on your period is me right now. I've been so discouraged thinking I need to cut back calories a bunch or something. Today YOU are my inspiration to keep going!
@sammac I think that's the main reason people quit. And I tell people that all the time, its gonna suck. Really, it feels gross. But you know whats better than that? Its walking down the street in a pair of shorts and not feeling your quads jiggle and thighs rub together. It's the sense of accomplishment reracking that barbell after a heavy set. It's changing from going to the gym and dreading it to going to the gym because you feel like crap and need a pick me up.

Thank you for letting me be your inspiration!
@claireanneh ugh I am in a major fat sausage mega quads state at the moment. damned roller's good but I need to lose the fat because my clothes don't fit any more!
@claireanneh Not sure if I just didn't see it, but did you say whether you cut back on calories at all? Or was it just you changed what you were eating in addition to beginning lifting? I'm about similar to your starting weight and am the same height, so you're definitely an inspiration!

Awesome work!
@claireanneh Out of curiosity... did you begin your workouts with the leangains style or did you "bulk" at first and then switch to LG?

I'm currently doing kind of LG, I don't really pay attention to when I eat so sometimes I break the fasting and sometimes I don't. But I just eat more on lifting days and less on rest days, with more carbs on lifting.
@dawn16 I like to think I already had enough bulk. J/K. I just switched out my eating style. I do think now I could probably go on a bulk after summer and then cut. It would take me a couple cycles to get "awesome" though.
@claireanneh insert slow-clap gif here. amazing, amazing, amazing. you are an inspiration. so much so that my desire to see your workout trumped my resistance to joining fitocracy and I finally took the plunge because of this post.